asss User's Guide - 1.4.2

Grelminar <>

1  Introduction

asss is a new server for Subspace and Continuum. It was written from scratch by Grelminar (, with help from a bunch of other people (see the Acknowledgements section). The name asss is an acronym for ``a small subspace server.''

Although care has been taken to remain compatible with the original Subspace server, known as subgame, players, and especially staff and administrators, should be aware that asss is a different piece of software. It has many features that subgame is missing, but it is also missing some from subgame. The features that are common to both may work different. They will have different bugs. In short, don't expect everything to work the same as in subgame, because it won't.

1.1  Platform and Requirements

asss was developed primarily on a Linux system on the Intel x86 platform. Although some effort has been spent making it run on Windows also, people running it on non-Linux systems should not expect everything to work perfectly: there may be missing features and it may run slower.

The requirements for building and running asss are pretty minimal: The system should have the pthreads library (any recent Linux system should), Berkeley DB 4.0 or greater (older versions won't work) (optional), mysql (optional), Python 2.2 or newer (optional), and zlib. To compile asss from source (on either Linux or Windows), the include files for those libraries must be installed, as well as a C compiler. If you've obtained the source from CVS, you'll also need the Python interpreter in order to generate certain files. If you're using a tarball instead, it will come with those files present already.

The Makefile contains some information about which parts of it might need to be modified for your environment. You'll probably have to modify the paths that point to installed libraries.

It also contains some options that you can change to customize the build process to your environment. You can turn debugging, optimization, and profiling on and off by changing the values of the debug, opt, and prof Makefile variables to yes or no.

If you're missing mysql, you should comment out or change the have_mysql variable. That will disable building all modules that require mysql, which is currently only the alias database. If you're missing Berkeley DB, you should comment/change the line that sets have_bdb. This will disable the scoring modules and the dbtool. And if you're missing Python, you should comment/change the line that sets have_python, which will disable the Python module loader.

The Makefile should work without excessive modification on Linux, FreeBSD, Cygwin, and Mingw32.

Currently, only 32-bit Intel platforms are supported because of byte-order issues. Eventually, asss will be able to run on other architectures, but for now, Intel will have to do.

2  File Layout

The server always access files relative to the directory it was started from, and it expects to have certain files and directories in certain places. That means that to run multiple copies of the server on one machine, you should make sure that each one is started from its own home directory.

Here's what a typical zone's file layout should look like:

+ news.txt
+ scrty
+ scrty1
+ bin
| + asss
| + dbtool
| + backtrace
| +
| +
| +
| +
| + ...
+ arenas
| + (default)
| | + arena.conf
| |
| + (public)
| | + arena.conf
| |
| + duel
| | + arena.conf
| |
| + pb
|   + arena.conf
|   + balls.conf
|   + pb.lvl
+ conf
| + global.conf
| + modules.conf
| + groupdef.conf
| + groupdef.dir
| | + default
| | + mod
| | + smod
| | + sysop
| |
| + svs
|   + svs.conf
|   + prizeweights
|   + misc
|   + ship-warbird
|   + ...
+ log
| + asss.log
| + asss.log.1
+ maps
| + zone1-pub.lvl
| + another.lvl
+ data
  + data.db

The most important directory is bin. This directory should contain the main asss binary, as well as all files containing modules to be loaded by the main binary.

conf contains config files that affect the server as a whole. Among the important files are modules.conf, which specifies the list of modules to load at startup, global.conf, which contains config settings for the whole server, groupdef.conf, which describes which capabilities belong to each group, and staff.conf, which assigns groups to various players. groupdef.conf uses files in the groupdef.dir subdirectory to ensure more powerful groups have all the capabilities of lesser ones.

conf can also contain partial config files for arenas to include. The default directory structure contains an svs directory, with the Standard VIE Settings, split into multiple files, by ship and function.

log will be used by the server to deposit any log files that it creates.

data is used to keep the database holding all persistent information, including scores. Information for all arenas is kept in the same database file.

maps is an optional directory that the server will search for .lvl files in. These files can also be located in arena directories, so this isn't a required directory. It might simplify administration, though, to keep all map files in this directory.

Each arena gets its own subdirectory in the arenas directory that holds config files, maps, and other data. Two subdirectories are special: (public) is used for all public directories, and (default) is used for all arenas for which a directory doesn't exist. Note that it's ok for (public) to not exist, in which case public arenas will use the configuration from (default).

Each arena directory must contain a file named arena.conf, which contains the settings for that arena. For ease of administration, this file may #include other config files in either the same directory, or the global conf directory.

The file news.txt should be located in the base of the zone directory as well, unless another location is specified in global.conf.

2.1  Running asss

2.1.1  Command line arguments

There are currently three things you can give asss on the command line:

2.1.2  Running chrooted

If you want to increase the security of your host, you can run asss chrooted. This means that it will run with its root directory set to the zone directory, and it won't be able to access any files outside of that directory.

You need to do a bit of preperatory work before chroot can work. You'll need to make a lib directory in the zone directory containing all the shared libraries needed by any modules you'll be loading. On my machine, I needed to put the following files from /lib and /usr/lib in there:,,,,,, and You'll also have to make sure that nothing within the zone directory is a symlink pointing outside of the zone directory. So you'll need a separate copy of the bin directory and shared settings files for each separate zone. It's also a good idea (although not strictly necessary) to create an etc directory with limited passwd and group files, and also things like, hosts, and nsswitch.conf.

If you're using Python modules, you'll also need a copy of the Python standard library in your chroot environment. It's usually found in /usr/lib/python2.3. Note that you can hard-link the actual files to avoid wasting space.

In order to do a chroot, asss needs to be run as root. It won't continue running as root, of course: as soon as it successfully chroots, it drops its priviliges and runs as a normal user. The user it runs as depends how it was run: if the asss binary is installed setuid-root, it will always drop to the user who invoked the binary. If it's actually run by the root user, it will use the contents of the USER environment variable to control which user to drop to. So to run it as user ``nobody'' from a script running as root (like rc.local), you can run something like env USER=nobody /path/to/asss /zone/dir --chroot --daemonize.

3  Modules

Almost all of the functionality of asss is split into many small modules. Currently modules can be written in either C or Python. Most core modules are written in C, since the Python module support is still somewhat experimental.

C modules are in separate libraries with the extension .so (on Unix) or .dll (on Windows). One shared library can contain any number of modules.

There are currently 79 modules that are part of asss, but each zone might have some custom-developed modules for their zone as well.

When the server starts up, it loads all of the modules listed in the file modules.conf. Once it's running, more modules can be loaded with the ?insmod command, and modules can be unloaded with ?rmmod. The current list of loaded modules can be examined with ?lsmod.

The modules.conf file has a special format that's slightly different from the rest of the config files. It has no sections. Each line should contain a ``module specifier.'' A module specifier is something of the form filename:module for C modules, or <py> filename for Python modules. The filename part should be the name of the file containing the module, without the extension (.so or .dll or .py). The module part should be a module name that's contained in the file. The colon separating them is just a colon. Comments in the modules.conf file are indicated by an initial semicolon or pound sign.

If a particular zone has no need for a particular module (e.g., Chaos Zone doesn't have any flags or balls, so it doesn't need those modules), it should't load those modules. Only loading the modules that are actually used for a zone will decrease the memory usage of the server and may make it run faster.

Once a module is loaded into the server, it has full access to the server's data, including player IP addresses, machine id's, scores, and passwords. It can also access files on the machine it is running on, and make network connections, and it can easily crash or deadlock the server. Python is a safe language, so a module written in Python can't crash the server. It can still deadlock it, though, and still has arbitrary access to the system. Thus, admins and sysops should be careful to only load modules from sources that they trust.

4  Capabilities

The old Subspace server supported a very limited notion of authority: There were moderators, super moderators, and sysops. Each level allowed access to more and more commands. Additionally, moderators and above could see private freqs and private arenas, and bypass freq and arena size limits.

asss is much more flexible. It lets sysops and admins assign any set of powers to any group of people. In the asss model, each of the above powers, plus a few more, like energy viewing, is assigned a capability name. Each command also gets a capability name (actually, each command gets two, one for using the command with public messages, and one for using it with private messages). Whenever the server needs to determine if a player can take a certain action, it asks the capability manager, which replies either yes or no.

The capability manager loads the file conf/groupdef.conf, which uses the files in conf/groupdef.dif, to determine which groups have which capabilities.

The server comes with one capability manager, contained in the capman module, but there's no reason why another one couldn't be used if your zone has peculiar needs for assigning people powers.

4.1  Capability names

The most common capability names are for commands. If a player tries to run a command, say, ?lastlog, the server would query the capability manager with the name cmd_lastlog. If a player uses a command as a private message, as in :annoying_player:?freqkick, the capability name used would be privcmd_freqkick.

There are several non-command capabilities that are currently used in the server:

4.2  The default capability manager

The default capability manager works with groups. Each group has a set of capabilities, and players are assigned to groups. To check if a player has a certain capability, the capability manager simply checks if the group he's in has that capability.

To determine which groups have which capabilities, the groupdef.conf file is used. It should have a section for each group, and a line within that section for each capability.

To determine which players belong to which groups, the staff.conf file is used. Each section in the file corresponds to an arena1, except for the special section (global), which applies to and overrides all other arena settings. Keys are player names, and values are groups. So a setting like ``Grelminar=sysop'' in the (global) section would give Grelminar sysop powers in all arenas, while a setting ``ZippyDan=smod'' in the pb section would give ZippyDan smod powers in arenas pb, pb1, pb2, etc.

The command ?setgroup can be used to control group assignment without editing the staff.conf file manually.

The default capability manager also supports passwords for groups, although using this feature is strongly discouraged. It is intended for sysops or other staff members to gain privliged access when the zone isn't connected to a billing server to provide authentication.2 To use it, add keys to the GroupPasswords section, of the form ``group = password''.

4.2.1  Emulating the old system

Using the default manager, it's relatively easy to set up asss to emulate the old server's moderator, super moderator, and sysop model: The groupdef.conf file looks like this:

; conf/groupdef.conf

#include groupdef.dir/default

#include groupdef.dir/default
#include groupdef.dir/mod

#include groupdef.dir/default
#include groupdef.dir/mod
#include groupdef.dir/smod

#include groupdef.dir/default
#include groupdef.dir/mod
#include groupdef.dir/smod
#include groupdef.dir/sysop

The files in groupdef.dir contain simply lists of capabilities. Each group includes the file for itself, as well as the files for the lesser powerful groups. The way groupdef.conf includes files means that smods will have all the capabilities of mods, plus more, sysops will have more than smods, etc.

5  Logging

asss has extensive logging capabilities. Any remotely interesting event in the game will generate a log message, which will be passed to any number of loaded logging handlers.

5.1  Levels

There are five importance levels defined for log messages: DRIVEL is unimportant information that you probably don't want to see, but is logged anyway, just in case. INFO is basic information about common, unexceptional events. MALICIOUS is for exceptional conditions that are caused by players sending bad data to the server. These might be indications of cheating or other illicit activity. They also might be caused by abnormal network conditions. WARN is for error conditions that can be worked around, or aren't too catastrophic. ERROR is for really really horrible error conditions. These usually indicate misconfigured servers or bugs in the server itself.

5.2  What is logged?

There are currently 381 distinct log messages in the server. By type, there are 37 ERROR messages, 111 WARN messages, 81 MALICIOUS messages, 65 INFO messages, and 87 DRIVEL messages.

5.3  Filtering

Log handlers support a common method of filtering that give you lots of control over which handlers see which messages.

By default, all messages are seen by all handlers. To limit messages to a handler log_foo, create a section with the same name as the handler in global.conf. The keys in that section will be module names, and the values will be a set of priority levels to allow, specified by listing the first letters of the allowed levels. The special key all will be used for modules not listed. For example:

; this keeps flag positions and ball fires from appearing in the log
; file, but allows other DRIVEL messages.
all = DIMWE
flags = IMWE
balls = IMWE

; this allows all messages to go to the console except those from
; cmdman.
all = DIMWE
cmdman = none

; this lets only important messages (malicious and error) go to sysops
all = ME

5.4  Commands

In general, all commands run by anyone are logged, at level INFO, along with their parameters and targets. Some commands, however, contain personal or sensitive information that might be abused by zone staff who can view logs. To prevent this abuse, there is a hardcoded list of commands whose parameters don't get logged (they get replaced by ... in the log messages).

5.5  Handlers

The current log handlers are:

6  New Features

6.1  Arena groups

To make the process of creating multiple arenas with identical settings easier, asss supports arena groups. If an arena name ending with a number is requested, the configuration and other data for that arena will be taken from the directory named by that arena without the number at the end. So arenas smallpb1, smallpb2, smallpb3, etc. will all be identical in configuration to smallpb, which uses data in the directory arenas/smallpb.

Persistent data (e.g., scores) are also partially shared between arenas in the same group. Data in the ``forever'' and ``per-reset'' intervals will be shared, but data in the ``per-game'' interval will be kept separate between different arenas in the group.

The group name of an arena (the name without the number at the end) is also used for determining staff groups.

6.2  Freq Management

Requires module: freqowners
If the arena controller allows it, private freqs can now be owned. The first player to move to a particular private freq becomes an owner for that freq. An owner can kick non-owners off of his freq by sending them the command ?freqkick. An owner can share owner privileges to other players by sending them the command ?giveowner. The spec freq can't be owned.

The config variable Team:AllowFreqOwners controls whether to enable freq ownership. It defaults to on.

Requires module: fm_password
The fm_password module implements password-protected freqs. It's a freq manager module meant to sit on top of another freq manager (like fm_normal). The ?freqpwd can be used by anyone on a private freq to set a password. To join a freq with a password, players must use the ?joinpwd command before attempting to switch to the protected freq.

6.3  Arena limiting

Requires module: arenaperm
Any arena can specify a General:NeedCap value in it's config file. If present, players will not be allowed to enter the arena unless they have the specified capability.

6.4  Moderator chat

asss includes an actual moderator chat system, which should be an improvement over the ?cheater-based systems in use currently.

Mod chat messages begin with a backslash (\), and are displayed in dark red (the same color as sysop warning messages). Who is allowed to send and recieve mod chat is controlled by two capabilities: seemodchat and sendmodchat, which allow players to see and send mod chat.

6.5  Multiple commands

You can specify multiple commands on one line by putting a vertical bar (|) directly after the command character (? or *), and the separating commands with more bars. Do not put any spaces or other characters between the bars and the start of the command. Multiple private commands are supported, but you can't mix public and private commands on the same line. There's a hard limit of five commands on one line. Example: ?|flagreset|shipreset|prize warp|aa go!.

6.6  Built-in alias database

Requires module: mysql, aliasdb
asss includes a hastily-written alias database. The alias database depends on mysql support, although it's written so that it should be easy to port to another relational database if necessary.

All logins are automatically entered if the aliasdb module is loaded. There are several ways to query the database: ?alias lets you do general-purpose queries, ?qip allows you to query by IP address range. ?rawquery allows you to make custom queries with most SQL commands. You can find the documentation for these commands in the Commands section.

The ?last command uses the alias database to find the last 10 people to log in.

6.7  Authentication

Ok, so this isn't new, but it's greatly expanded in functionality: authentication can now be done with things other than billing servers, and some authentication modules can be ``stacked.''

For example, one useful auth module is auth_file, which uses a file of hashed passwords to authenticate users. This module is intended for use by private servers who want to allow a small group of people (say, a squad) to play together, and not allow anyone else in. It can also be used as a fallback module by the billing module (which acts as an auth module, among other things). This means if the billing server is connected, login requests will be authenticated against the billing server, but if it isn't, they get passed to auth_file.

If the user is listed in the file and supplies a correct password, he will be allowed access and be granted groups. If not, he will be either accepted or rejected depending on the value of General:AllowUnknown setting in passwd.conf. If an unknown player is allowed, he will not be assigned groups based on name. (That will also not happen if no auth modules are loaded.)

The auth_file module also allows you to lock a specific player name out of a zone.

To use a fallback module for the billing module, simply make sure that that module is loaded before billing is loaded.

Two more authentication modules are intended to be layered on top of the basic ones: auth_prefix lets only staff members log in with certain punctuation characters as prefixes to their real account names (controlled by the prefix_x capabilities), and auth_ban implements simple banning by machine-id, as an authentication layer. It provides the ?kick, ?listmidbans, and ?delmidban commands to control the ban list.

6.8  Multiple ``public'' arenas

asss supports a general player placement interface to decide which arena a player should be placed in upon entering the zone. The most useful arena placing interface is ap_multipub, which has the effect of creating multiple ``public'' arenas.

To use ap_multipub, simply make sure it's loaded from modules.conf (somewhere near the end is good). It is controlled by two settings in the global config file: General:PublicArenas is a whitespace-separated list of public arena types (not names). For example, if General:PublicArenas is set to ``pb turf wz,'' the server will start placing people in the arena named pb1, then when that gets full, it will move to turf1, then wz1, pb2, etc. To control how many people it will put in each arena, use General:DesiredPlaying, which is a count of playing players (i.e., not spectators).

7  Lag Control

7.1  Lag Measurement

Lag, which includes both latency and packetloss, is difficult to measure accurately and control. asss does as well as it can with limited information.

There are several ways that the server collects latency information: Position packets sent from the client contain timestamps that the server can compare to its own current time to determine approximately how long the packet took to get there. This is complicated by the fact that the times on the server and client aren't always perfectly synchronized. Reliable packets need to be acknowledged, and the round-trip time between the sending of a reliable packet and the reciept of its acknowledgement can be measured. That will be equal to approximately twice the one-way latency, but that isn't exact either because the two trips might take different amounts of time. Finally, the client can measure latency using the same techniques, and periodically send its results to the server for processing.

Packetloss is slightly easier: the client and server can keep track of how many packets each has sent and recieved, and compare numbers periodically. Reliable packets also provide oppertunities to measure packetloss: if a reliable packet isn't acknowledged within the timeout, the server knows either the original packet or the acknowledgement got lost. If a reliable packet is recieved twice, the server knows the acknowledgement got lost. Again, the client can also measure these numbers and send the results to the server.

7.2  Settings and Actions

There is one global setting for lag, Lag:CheckInterval which controls how often each player's lag numbers are checked to perform actions. It's specified in ticks. Each arena can specify its own lag limits. All of the parameters described below go in the Lag section in the arena's configuration file (or a file included from it).

There are four main values that lag actions are based on: average ping (determined by an exponential averaging scheme, based on S2C, C2S, and reliable pings), S2C packet loss, S2C weapons packet loss, and C2S packet loss. Each value has four thresholds associated with it: one controls when a player gets forced into spectator mode, one controls when a player is allowed to pick up flags and balls, and two control weapons ignoring. The units of the settings concerning latency are milliseconds, and the units of the settings concerning packetloss are tenths of a percent (i.e., fractions out of 1000).

Forcing into spec is easy enough: if the value is over the threshold when a player is examined, he's forced into spec. Disabling flags and balls also works on a simple threshold: if the value is above it, the player won't be allowed to pick up any flags or balls. If he's currently carrying a flag or ball, and one of the values moves over the limit, he'll get to keep it.

Weapon ignoring is slighly more complicated: There are two thresholds, one to start ignoring weapons, and one where all weapons will be ignored. If all of the values are below their respective starting thresholds, none of the player's weapons will be ignored. If one of them is higher, a percent of incoming weapons from that player to be ignored is calculated by interpolation between the starting threshold (0%) and the higher threshold (100%). If multiple values are above their starting threshold, the percent of weapons that gets ignored is the maximum of the percent ignored from each value. C2S packetloss doesn't cause weapon ignoring, since C2S packetloss generally gives the player a disadvantage, not an advantage.

The names of these settings are: PingToSpec, PingToStartIgnoringWeapons, PingToIgnoreAllWeapons, PingToDisallowFlags, S2CLossToSpec, S2CLossToStartIgnoringWeapons, S2CLossToIgnoreAllWeapons, S2CLossToDisallowFlags, WeaponLossToSpec, WeaponLossToStartIgnoringWeapons, WeaponLossToIgnoreAllWeapons, WeaponLossToDisallowFlags, C2SLossToSpec, and C2SLossToDisallowFlags. Their functions should be clear from their names and the above description.

One final setting SpikeToSpec, determines the length of time that the server can recieve no packets from a player before forcing him into spectator mode.

7.3  Bandwidth Throttling

asss supports bandwidth throttling for players on slower connections. To make the game fairer, packets are prioritized depending on their function. For example, weapons packets will be preferred over chat messages when deciding how to use up the last few bytes of alloted bandwidth. The server will also reserve a certain percentage of the total bandwith for packets of certain priorities. Techniques similar to those used in modern TCP implementations are used to dynamically adjust the bandwith limit to players based on their connection quality.

8  Regions and Extended LVL Files

asss supports an extention to the classic map file format. The extension format is mostly backwards-compatible, so extended lvl files should work with any program that supports classic lvl files.

Extended lvl files can contain various types of additional data. The simplest is a list of text attributes about the map, such as a name, a version, the map and tileset creators, and the programs used to create it. This data can be viewed with the ?mapinfo command.

The other important data that extended lvl files can contain, that asss uses for new functionality, is regions.

8.1  What are regions?

A ``region'' is a named set of tiles, with optional assocated attributes. The tiles in a region can be an arbitrary set, and don't have to be in a certain shape or be connected (although things are more efficient if they are). A region has a name, which can be used to refer to it from a module (the details of how to do this are in the developer's guide, or at least will be eventually). Regions can also have several attributes which are interpreted by asss itself.

8.2  Region attributes

Currently supported region attribute are: no-antiwarp, no-weapons, no-flags, and autowarp. If a region has the no-antiwarp attribute, the server will clear the antiwarp bit of any players in that region, effectively disabling their antiwarp (although it will appear to them that their antiwarp is still on; you should consider this when designing a zone using this feature). The no-weapons attribute means that the server will ignore weapons from players in the region, although again, the players themselves will still see their own weapons on their screen. The no-flags attribute prevents flags from being dropped in that region. The autowarp attribute (which requires the autowarp module to function) will automatically move a player to a different location, optionally in a different arena, when the region is entered.

8.3  Making extended lvl files

lvltool, which is available on the asss web site, is a simple command-line tool to manipulate extended lvl files. It's more of a proof-of-concept than a useful tool, although if you put enough effort in, you can use it to create arbitrary extended lvl files.

The ``Continuum Level / Ini Tool,'' version 1-1-05 or later, is a graphical map editor, written in Java, that also supports creating extended lvl files.

9  Virtual Servers

asss allows one server process to apear to clients as several different servers. The primary advantage of this feature is that players connecting to all virtual servers are treated the same internally and can move between arenas and communicate as if they connected to the same server.

To create virtual servers, you have to tell the net module to listen on more than one port. You do this by creating additional sections in global.conf named ``Listen1,'' ``Listen2,'' etc. Each setting must specify a port, and can also optionally specify a virtual server identifier, and a specific IP address to bind to.

Virtual server identifiers are used in several ways: if you are using an arena placing module that supports them (e.g., ap_multipub), the server id will be used as the arena basename to place players who connect through that port in.

The directory module also supports virtual servers: it will create one directory entry for each virtual server. The server name and description can be different for each virtual server. To specify them, create ``Name'' and ``Description'' settings in the section ``Directory-servername'' for each virtual server identifier. If either of those settings is missing from that section, it will fall back to their values in the ``Directory'' section.

Finally, an example to make this all clear:

;; global.conf

;; listen on 3 different ports:

; players connecting to port 2000 will be send to a random arena.
Port = 2000

; players who connect to 5000 will be sent to pb1, pb2, etc.
Port = 5000
ConnectAs = pb

; port 7500 will send them to aswz by default, and so on.
Port = 7500
ConnectAs = aswz

; this will force the server to listen on an internal interface only
; and send those players to a secret arena:
BindAddress =
Port = 3300
ConnectAs = #secret

;; point to the directory servers you want to be listed on. using
;; default port and password.
Server1 =
Server2 =

;; now describe what this server is called by default:
Name = A Testing Zone
Description = Testing happens here.

;; specify the name and description for pb:
Name = PowerBall
Description = Play with balls!

;; specify only name for aswz:
Name = A Small Warzone

10  Using dbtool


11  Command Reference

These are all of the commands that the server currently recognizes. Not all of them will always be available. If a command requires a module that's not one of the core modules, that will be indicated above its description. Most other commands require the playercmd module.

Possible targets are listed for each command. The targets can be ``none,'' which refers to commands typed as public (arena) messages, ``player,'' for commands that can target specific players, ``freq,'' for commands that can target a whole freq at a time (with either ' or "), or some restriction of one of those.

Each command also describes any required or optional arguments.

Note that the section doesn't list who is allowed to run a particular command, because that is determined by the capability manager, which can be fully customized for each particular server.


Possible targets: player, freq, or arena
Arguments: <text>
Displays the text as an arena (green) message to the targets.


Possible targets: player, freq, or arena
Arguments: <text>
Displays the text as an anonymous arena (green) message to the targets.


Requires module: sendfile
Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Accept a file that has been offered to you.


Requires module: auth_file
Possible targets: none
Arguments: <player name>
Adds a player to passwd.conf with no set password. This will allow them to log in when AllowUnknown is set to false, and has no use otherwise.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: flush or reopen
Administers the log file that the server keeps. There are two possible subcommands: flush flushes the log file to disk (in preparation for copying it, for example), and reopen tells the server to close and re-open the log file (to rotate the log while the server is running).


Requires module: aliasdb
Possible targets: player or none
Arguments: [<name>]
Queries the alias database for players matching from the name, ip, or macid of the target. Only works on MySQL 4 or later.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: [-a] [-t]
Lists the available arenas. Specifying -a will also include empty arenas that the server knows about. The -t switch forces the output to be in text even for regular clients (useful when using the Continuum chat window).


Possible targets: none
Arguments: [-d] <module name>
Attaches the specified module to this arena. Or with -d, detaches the module from the arena.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <text>
Displays the text as an anonymous arena (green) message to the whole zone.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: [<new # of balls> | +<balls to add> | -<balls to remove>]
Displays or changes the number of balls in the arena. A number without a plus or minus sign is taken as a new count. A plus signifies adding that many, and a minus removes that many. Continuum currently supports only eight balls.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: [+/-seeallposn] [+/-seeownposn]
Enables or disables bot-specific features. seeallposn controls whether the bot gets to see all position packets. seeownposn controls whether you get your own mirror position packets.


Possible targets: Player
Syntax: /?bounty <points> Set a bounty on another player.


Requires module: sendfile
Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Withdraw your previously offered files.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: [<server directory>]
Changes working directory for file transfer. Note that the specified path must be an absolute path; it is not considered relative to the previous working directory. If no arguments are specified, return to the server's root directory.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <message>
Sends the message to all online staff members.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <server pathname>
Delete a file from the server. Paths are relative to the current working directory.


Requires module: auth_ban
Possible targets: none
Arguments: <machine id>
Removes a machine id ban.


Possible targets: Player
Syntax: /?destroy Simulates the player getting killed.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <command group>
Disables all the commands in the specified command group and released the modules that they require. This can be used to release interfaces so that modules can be unloaded or upgraded without unloading playercmd (which would be irreversible).


Requires module: autoturret
Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Drops a turret right where your ship is. The turret will fire 10 level 1 bombs, 1.5 seconds apart, and then disappear.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <command group>
Enables all the commands in the specified command group. This is only useful after using ?disablecmdgroup.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: [-g] [-a <arena group name>] <interval name>
Causes the specified interval to be reset. If -g is specified, reset the interval at the global scope. If -a is specified, use the named arena group. Otherwise, use the current arena's scope. Interval names can be game, reset, or maprotation.


Possible targets: arena or player
Arguments: [-t] [-n] [-s]
If sent as a priv message, turns energy viewing on for that player. If sent as a pub message, turns energy viewing on for the whole arena (note that this will only affect new players entering the arena). If -t is given, turns energy viewing on for teammates only. If -n is given, turns energy viewing off. If -s is given, turns energy viewing on/off for spectator mode.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <all or part of a player name>
Tells you where the specified player is right now. If you specify only part of a player name, it will try to find a matching name using a case insensitive substring search.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Displays information (status, location, carrier) about all the flags in the arena.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Causes the flag game to immediately reset.


Requires module: turf_reward
Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Forces a reward to take place immediately in your current arena.


Requires module: turf_stats
Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Displays stats to arena for previous dings.


Requires module: freqowners
Possible targets: player
Arguments: none
Kicks the player off of your freq. The player must be on your freq and must not be an owner himself. The player giving the command, of course, must be an owner.


Requires module: fm_password
Possible targets: none
Arguments: <password>
Sets a password for your freq. Public freqs and the spec freq cannot have passwords.


Requires module: record
Possible targets: none
Arguments: status | record <file> | play <file> | pause | restart | stop
TODO: write more here.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: section:key
Displays the value of an arena setting. Make sure there are no spaces around the colon.


Possible targets: player or arena
Arguments: none
Prints out the chat mask for the target player, or if no target, for the current arena. The chat mask specifies which types of chat messages are allowed.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <filename>
Transfers the specified file from the server to the client. The filename is considered relative to the current working directory.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: section:key
Displays the value of a global setting. Make sure there are no spaces around the colon.


Possible targets: player or none
Arguments: none
Displays the group of the player, or if none specified, you.


Requires module: freqowners
Possible targets: player
Arguments: none
Allows you to share freq ownership with another player on your current private freq. You can't remove ownership once you give it out, but you are safe from being kicked off yourself, as long as you have ownership.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <group name> <password>
Logs you in to the specified group, if the password is correct.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <command name> | <setting name (section:key)>
Displays help on a command or config file setting. Use ?help section: to list known keys in that section. Use ?help : to list known section names.


Possible targets: player
Arguments: none
Displays various information on the target player, including which client they are using, their resolution, IP address, how long they have been connected, and bandwidth usage information.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <module specifier>
Immediately loads the specified module into the server.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: none or <arena name> or all
Displays the current jackpot for this arena, the named arena, or all arenas.


Requires module: fm_password
Possible targets: none
Arguments: <password>
Sets your joining password, which will be used to check if you can join password-protected freqs.


Requires module: auth_ban
Possible targets: player
Arguments: [<timeout>]
Kicks the player off of the server, with an optional timeout (in minutes).


Possible targets: none or player
Arguments: none
Displays basic lag information about you or a target player.


Possible targets: none or player
Arguments: [-r]
Displays lag histograms. If a -r is given, do this histogram for reliablelatency instead of c2s pings.


Possible targets: none or player
Arguments: none
Displays tons of lag information about a player.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Tells you the last 10 people to log in.


Requires module: log_sysop
Possible targets: none or player
Arguments: [<number of lines>] [<limiting text>]
Displays the last <number> lines in the server log (default: 10). If limiting text is specified, only lines that contain that text will be displayed. If a player is targeted, only lines mentioning that player will be displayed.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <arena name>
Lists the players in the given arena.


Requires module: auth_ban
Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Lists the current machine id bans in effect.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Lists all staff members logged on, which arena they are in, and which group they belong to.


Possible targets: player, freq, or arena
Arguments: [-n] [-s] [-t <timeout>]
Locks the specified targets so that they can't change ships. Use ?unlock to unlock them. By default, ?lock won't change anyone's ship. If -s is present, it will spec the targets before locking them. If -n is present, it will notify players of their change in status. If -t is present, you can specify a timeout in seconds for the lock to be effective.


Possible targets: arena
Arguments: [-n] [-a] [-i] [-s]
Changes the default locked state for the arena so entering players will be locked to spectator mode. Also locks everyone currently in the arena to their ships. The -n option means to notify players of their change in status. The -a options means to only change the arena's state, and not lock current players. The -i option means to only lock entering players to their initial ships, instead of spectator mode. The -s means to spec all players before locking the arena.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: [-a] [-s] [<text>]
Lists all the modules currently loaded into the server. With -a, lists only modules attached to this arena. With -s, sorts by name. With optional text, limits modules displayed to those whose names contain the given text.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <arena name>
Creates a directory for the new directory under 'arenas/'


Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Displays some information about the map in this arena.


Possible targets: Player, Arena
Syntax: /?mark, ?mark <player>, ?mark (list only) Marks player in purple on your radar.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <module name>
Displays information about the specified module. This might include a version number, contact information for the author, and a general description of the module.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <flag id> <owning freq> [<x coord> <y coord>]
Moves the specified flag. You must always specify the freq that will own the flag. The coordinates are optional: if they are specified, the flag will be moved there, otherwise it will remain where it is.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Prints out some statistics from the network layer.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <flag id>
Neuts the specified flag in the middle of the arena.


Possible targets: any
Arguments: <id> <image>
Change the image associated with an object id. Object commands: ?objon ?objoff ?objset ?objmove ?objimage ?objlayer ?objtimer ?objmode ?objinfo ?objlist


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <id>
Reports all known information about the object. Object commands: ?objon ?objoff ?objset ?objmove ?objimage ?objlayer ?objtimer ?objmode ?objinfo ?objlist


Possible targets: any
Arguments: <id> <layer code>
Change the image associated with an object id. Layer codes: BelowAll AfterBackground AfterTiles AfterWeapons AfterShips AfterGauges AfterChat TopMost Object commands: ?objon ?objoff ?objset ?objmove ?objimage ?objlayer ?objtimer ?objmode ?objinfo ?objlist


Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
List all ServerControlled object id's. Use ?objinfo <id> for attributes Object commands: ?objon ?objoff ?objset ?objmove ?objimage ?objlayer ?objtimer ?objmode ?objinfo ?objlist


Possible targets: any
Arguments: <id> <mode code>
Change the mode associated with an object id. Mode codes: ShowAlways EnterZone EnterArena Kill Death ServerControlled Object commands: ?objon ?objoff ?objset ?objmove ?objimage ?objlayer ?objtimer ?objmode ?objinfo ?objlist


Possible targets: any
Arguments: <id> <x> <y> (for map obj) or <id> [CBSGFETROWV]<0/1> [CBSGFETROWV]<0/1> (screen obj)
Moves an LVZ map or screen object. Coordinates are in pixels. Object commands: ?objon ?objoff ?objset ?objmove ?objimage ?objlayer ?objtimer ?objmode ?objinfo ?objlist


Possible targets: any
Arguments: object id
Toggles the specified object off. Object commands: ?objon ?objoff ?objset ?objmove ?objimage ?objlayer ?objtimer ?objmode ?objinfo ?objlist


Possible targets: any
Arguments: object id
Toggles the specified object on. Object commands: ?objon ?objoff ?objset ?objmove ?objimage ?objlayer ?objtimer ?objmode ?objinfo ?objlist


Possible targets: any
Arguments: [+/-]object id [+/-]id ...
Toggles the specified objects on/off. Object commands: ?objon ?objoff ?objset ?objmove ?objimage ?objlayer ?objtimer ?objmode ?objinfo ?objlist


Possible targets: any
Arguments: <id> <timer>
Change the timer associated with an object id. Object commands: ?objon ?objoff ?objset ?objmove ?objimage ?objlayer ?objtimer ?objmode ?objinfo ?objlist


Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Toggles the obscene word filter.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Displays the arena owner.


Requires module: auth_file
Possible targets: none
Arguments: <new password>
Changes your local server password. Note that this command only changes the password used by the auth_file authentication mechanism (used when the billing server is disconnected. This command does involve the billing server.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Toggles the timer between paused and unpaused. The timer must have been created with ?timer.


Possible targets: any
Arguments: <points to add>
Adds the specified number of points to the targets' flag points.


Possible targets: player, freq, or arena
Arguments: see description
Gives the specified prizes to the target player(s).

Prizes are specified with an optional count, and then a prize name (e.g. 3 reps, anti). Negative prizes can be specified with a '-' before the prize name or the count (e.g. -prox, -3 bricks, 5 -guns). More than one prize can be specified in one command. A count without a prize name means random. For compatability, numerical prize ids with # are supported.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <client filename>[:<server filename>]
Transfers the specified file from the client to the server. The server filename, if specified, will be considered relative to the current working directory. If omitted, the uploaded file will be placed in the current working directory and named the same as on the client.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <map file>
Transfers the specified map file from the client to the server. The map will be placed in maps/uploads/<arenabasename>.lvl, and the setting General:Map will be changed to the name of the uploaded file.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <client filename>[:<server directory>]
Uploads the specified zip file to the server and unzips it in the specified directory (considered relative to the current working directory), or if none is provided, the working directory itself. This can be used to efficiently send a large number of files to the server at once, while preserving directory structure.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Prints the current working directory. A working directory of .ïndicates the server's root directory.


Requires module: <py> exec
Possible targets: any
Arguments: <python code>
Executes arbitrary python code. The code runs in a namespace containing all of the asss module, plus three helpful preset variables: me is yourself, t is the target of the command, and a is the current arena. You can write multi-line statements by separating lines with semicolons (be sure to get the indentation correct). Output written to stdout (e.g., with print) is captured and displayed to you, as are any exceptions raised in your code.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <ip address or pattern>
Queries the alias database for players connecting from that ip. Queries can be an exact addreess, ?qip 216.34.65.%, or ?qip


Requires module: quickfix
Possible targets: none
Arguments: <limiting text>
Lets you quickly change arena settings. This will display some list of settings with their current values and allow you to change them. The argument to this command can be used to limit the list of settings displayed. (With no arguments, equivalent to ?getsettings in subgame.)


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <sql code>
Performs a custom sql query on the alias data. The text you type after ?rawquery will be used as the WHERE clause in the query. Examples: ?rawquery name like '%blah%' ?rawquery macid = 34127563 order by lastseen desc


Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Recycles the current arena without kicking players off.


Possible targets: any
Arguments: <redirect alias> | <ip>:<port>[:<arena>]
Requires module: redirect
Redirects the target to a different zone.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: [-f] [path]
With no args, causes the server to reload any config files that have been modifed since they were loaded. With -f, forces a reload of all open files. With a string, forces a reload of all files whose pathnames contain that string.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <old filename>:<new filename>
Rename a file on the server. Paths are relative to the current working directory.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Resets soccer game scores and balls.


Possible targets: player
Arguments: none
Removes the group from a player, returning him to group 'default'. If the group was assigned for this session only, then it will be removed for this session; if it is a global group, it will be removed globally; and if it is an arena group, it will be removed for this arena.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <module name>
Attempts to unload the specified module from the server.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Returns current score of the soccer game in progress.


Possible targets: none or player
Arguments: none
Resets your own score, or the target player's score.


Possible targets: player
Arguments: <arena name>
Sends target player to the named arena. (Works on Continuum users only.)


Requires module: sendfile
Possible targets: player
Arguments: none
Offer someone a file from your client's directory. Only one file can be offered at once.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: [-t] section:key=value
Sets the value of an arena setting. Make sure there are no spaces around either the colon or the equals sign. A -t makes the setting temporary.


Possible targets: player or arena
Arguments: see description
Modifies the chat mask for the target player, or if no target, for the current arena. The arguments must all be of the form (-|+)(pub|pubmacro|freq|nmefreq|priv|chat|modchat|all) or -time <seconds>. A minus sign and then a word disables that type of chat, and a plus sign enables it. The special type all means to apply the plus or minus to all of the above types. -time lets you specify a timeout in seconds. The mask will be effective for that time, even across logouts.


Current limitations: You can't currently restrict a particular frequency. Leaving and entering an arena will remove a player's chat mask, unless it has a timeout.


Possible targets: player, freq, or arena
Arguments: <freq number>
Moves the targets to the specified freq.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: [-t] section:key=value
Sets the value of a global setting. Make sure there are no spaces around either the colon or the equals sign. A -t makes the setting temporary.


Possible targets: player
Arguments: [-a] [-p] <group name>
Assigns the group given as an argument to the target player. The player must be in group default, or the server will refuse to change his group. Additionally, the player giving the command must have an appropriate capability: setgroup_foo, where foo is the group that he's trying to set the target to.

The optional -p means to assign the group permanently. Otherwise, when the target player logs out or changes arenas, the group will be lost.

The optional -a means to make the assignment local to the current arena, rather than being valid in the entire zone.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <new jackpot value>
Sets the jackpot for this arena to a new value.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <freq 0 score> [<freq 1 score> [... [<freq 7 score>]]]
Changes score of current soccer game, based on arguments. Only supports first eight freqs, and arena must be in absolute scoring mode (Soccer:CapturePoints < 0).


Possible targets: player, freq, or arena
Arguments: <ship number>
Sets the targets to the specified ship. The argument must be a number from 1 (Warbird) to 8 (Shark), or 9 (Spec).


Possible targets: player, freq, or arena
Arguments: none
Resets the target players' ship(s).


Possible targets: none
Arguments: [-r]
Immediately shuts down the server, exiting with EXIT_NONE. If -r is specified, exit with EXIT_RECYCLE instead. The run-asss script, if it is being used, will notice EXIT_RECYCLE and restart the server.


Possible targets: any
Arguments: none
Displays players spectating you. When private, displays players spectating the target.


Possible targets: player, freq, or arena
Arguments: none
Sends all of the targets to spectator mode.


Possible targets: player or none
Arguments: [forever|game|reset]
Prints out some basic statistics about the target player, or if no target, yourself. An interval name can be specified as an argument. By default, the per-reset interval is used.


Requires module: freqowners
Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Makes you become owner of your freq, if your freq doesn't have an owner already.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Returns amount of time left in current game.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <minutes>[:<seconds>]
Set arena timer to minutes:seconds, only in arenas with TimedGame setting off. Note, that the seconds part is optional, but minutes must always be defined (even if zero). If successful, server replies with ?time response.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Reset a timed game, but only in arenas with Misc:TimedGame in use.


Requires module: turf_reward
Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Displays the current settings / requirements to recieve awards.


Requires module: turf_reward
Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Resets the turf_reward module's and flags module's flag data in your current arena.


Requires module: turf_reward
Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Resets the ding timer in your current arena.


Requires module: turf_stats
Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Gets stats to previous dings.


Requires module: turf_reward
Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Displays the amount of time till next ding.


Possible targets: player, freq, or arena
Arguments: [-n]
Unlocks the specified targets so that they can now change ships. An optional -n notifies players of their change in status.


Possible targets: arena
Arguments: [-n] [-a]
Changes the default locked state for the arena so entering players will not be locked to spectator mode. Also unlocks everyone currently in the arena to their ships The -n options means to notify players of their change in status. The -a option means to only change the arena's state, and not unlock current players.


Possible targets: Player, Arena
Syntax: /?unmark, ?unmark <player> Removes mark on a player.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Displays how long the server has been running.


Possible targets: player or none
Arguments: none
Displays the usage information (current hours and minutes logged in, and total hours and minutes logged in), as well as the first login time, of the target player, or you if no target.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: status|drop|connect
The subcommand 'status' reports the status of the user database server connection. 'drop' disconnects the connection if it's up, and 'connect' reconnects after dropping or failed login.


Possible targets: player or none
Arguments: none
Displays the user database server id of the target player, or yours if no target.


Possible targets: player or none
Arguments: none
Displays the user database id of the target player, or yours if no target.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Prints out the version and compilation date of the server. It might also print out some information about the machine that it's running on.


Possible targets: player
Arguments: <message>
Send a red warning message to a player.


Possible targets: player, freq, or arena
Arguments: <x coord> <y coord>
Warps target player to coordinate x,y.


Possible targets: player, none
Arguments: [0 or 1]
Turns damage watching on and off. If sent to a player, an argument of 1 turns it on, 0 turns it off, and no argument toggles. If sent as a public command, only ?watchdamage 0 is meaningful, and it turns off damage watching on all players.


Requires module: <py> watchgreen
Possible targets: player or arena
Arguments: none
If send to a player, turns on green watching for that player. If sent as a public message, turns off all your green watching.


Possible targets: player
Arguments: none
Displays the current location (on the map) of the target player.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: <text>
Displays the text as an arena (green) message to the whole zone.


Possible targets: none
Arguments: none
Displays the name of this zone.

12  Configuration Reference

All config files used by asss (except modules.conf) have the same format and conventions. The format is roughly based on, and is backwards compatible with, the Windows .ini file format, so server.cfg files can be used as-is, although you'll probably need to add a few settings to get things working well.

Config files are processed line-by-line. All leading and trailing whitespace is ignored. A line is a comment if the first character (ignoring whitespace) is a semicolon or a forward slash. If the first character is a pound sign, it signals a preprocessor directive. These directives work very much like C preprocessor directives: #include allows one config file to include another. #define allows macros to be defined. Macros cannot currently take arguments. To reference the definition of a macro, you have to use $(MACRONAME), not just the name of the macro. The parens can be omitted if the character after the end of the macro name isn't alphanumeric. #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, and #endif allow conditional inclusion of sections based on whether a specific macro is defined or not. If a line ends with a backslash, it denotes a line continuation: the following line of the file (or more if that line ends with a backslash) is appended to the original line before it is processed.

The start of a section is a line starting with an open bracket and ending with a closing bracket. The text between the brackets is the section name. Any line containing an equals sign is a value: the text before the equals is the key name (minus leading and trailing whitespace) and the text after (again minus whitespace) is the value. Section names and values are case-insensitive, but the case of values is preserved. Lines that don't contain an equals sign also specify keys, and their associated value is the empty string. Value-less keys are used primarily in the capability manager, where the presence or absence of a capability is all that's important.

If a key name contains a colon, it is treated specially: the text before the colon is treated as the section name for this key only (it doesn't modify the idea of the ``current section'') and the text after the colon is the key name.

The following sections describe specific settings. They are sorted alphabetically by section and then by key. The settings are listed with the section and key names separated by a colon. The section name ``All'' isn't a real section name but means the setting is present in a section for each ship.

12.1  Global settings

Type: Integer
Default: 1
GroupID identifying zone to user database server.

Type: String
The ip address of the user database server (no dns hostnames allowed).

Type: String
Secret prefix to prepend to local chats

Type: String
The password to log in to the user database server with.

Type: Integer
Default: 1850
The port to connect to on the user database server.

Type: String
This setting allows you to specify an external program that will handle the billing server connection. The program should be prepared to speak the asss billing protocol over its standard input and output. It will get two command line arguments, which are the ip and port of the billing server, as specified in the Billing:IP and Billing:Port settings. The program name should either be an absolute pathname or be located on your $PATH.

Type: Integer
Default: 180
How many seconds to wait between tries to connect to the user database server.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Score realm.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
ServerID identifying zone to user database server.

Type: String
The server name to send to the user database server.

Type: String
The network name to send to the billing server. A network name should identify a group of servers (e.g., SSCX).

Type: String
Secret prefix to prepend to staff chats

Type: String
Comma separated staff zone local list.

Type: Integer
Default: 5
How many commands are allowed on a single line.

Type: Other
If true, replace obscene words with garbage characters, otherwise suppress whole line.

Type: Integer
Default: 10
How many messages needed to be sent in a short period of time (about a second) to qualify for chat flooding.

Type: Integer
Default: 60
How many seconds to disable chat for a player that is flooding chat messages.

Type: Other
If true, players will always start with the obscenity filter on by default. If false, use their preference.

Type: Boolean
Default: Yes
Whether to send chat messages reliably.

Type: String
A space-separated list of obscene words to filter. Words starting with a question mark are encoded with rot-13.

Type: Integer
Default: 1500
How often to check for modified config files on disk (in ticks).

Type: Integer
Default: 500
How often to write modified config settings back to disk (in ticks).

Type: String
The server description to send to the directory server. See Directory:Name for more information about the section name.

Type: String
The server name to send to the directory server. Virtual servers will use section name 'Directory-<vs-name>' for this and other settings in this section, and will fall back to 'Directory' if that section doesn't exist. See Net:Listen help for how to identify virtual servers.

Type: String
Default: cane
The password used to send information to the directory server. Don't change this.

Type: Integer
Default: 4991
The port to connect to for the directory server.

Type: String
Default: news.txt
The filename of the news file.

Type: Integer
Default: 5
How often to check for an updated news.txt.

Type: String
Requires module: ap_multipub
A list of public arena types that the server will place people in when they don't request a specific arena.

Type: Integer
Default: 10
The number of ship changes in a short time (about 10 seconds) before ship changing is disabled (for about 30 seconds).

Type: Integer
Default: 300
How often to check each player for out-of-bounds lag values (in ticks).

Type: Boolean
Default: Yes
Whether Continuum clients are allowed to connect to this port.

Type: Boolean
Default: Yes
Whether VIE protocol clients (i.e., Subspace 1.34 and bots) are allowed to connect to this port.

Type: String
The interface address to bind to. This is optional, and if omitted, the server will listen on all available interfaces.

Type: String
This setting allows you to treat clients differently depending on which port they connect to. It serves as a virtual server identifier for the rest of the server. The standard arena placement module will use this as the name of a default arena to put clients who connect through this port in.

Type: Integer
The port that the game protocol listens on. Sections named Listen1 through Listen9 are also supported. All Listen sections must contain a port setting.

Type: Integer
Default: 10
How often to flush the log file to disk (in minutes).

Type: String
Default: asss.log
The name of the log file.

Type: String
Requires module: mysql
The database on the mysql server to use.

Type: String
Requires module: mysql
The name of the mysql server.

Type: String
Requires module: mysql
The password to log in to the mysql server as.

Type: String
Requires module: mysql
The mysql user to log in to the server as.

Type: Integer
Default: 5
Percent of position packets with antiwarp enabled to send to the whole arena.

Type: Integer
Default: 1500
How far away to always send bullets (in pixels).

Type: String
Requires module: chatnet
Where to listen for chat protocol connections. Either 'port' or 'ip:port'. Net:Listen will be used if this is missing.

Type: Integer
Default: 20 mod: chatnet
The delay between sending messages to clients using the text-based chat protocol. (To limit bandwidth used by non-playing cilents.)

Type: Integer
Default: 3000
How long to get no data from a client before disconnecting him (in ticks).

Type: String
A designation for a port and ip to listen on. Format is one of 'port', 'port:connectas', or 'ip:port:connectas'. Listen1 through Listen9 are also supported. A missing or zero-length 'ip' field means all interfaces. The 'connectas' field can be used to treat clients differently depending on which port or ip they use to connect to the server. It serves as a virtual server identifier for the rest of the server.

Type: Integer
Default: 200
How many S2C packets the server will buffer for a client before dropping him.

Type: Integer
Default: 8000
How far away to send positions of players on radar.

Type: Integer
Default: 2000
How far away to always send weapons (in pixels).

Type: Integer
Default: 180
The interval at which all persistent data is synced to the database.

Type: String
Settings in the Redirects section correspond to arena names. If a player tries to ?go to an arena name listed in this section, they will be redirected to the zone specified as the value of the setting. The format of values is 'ip:port[:arena]'. */

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether to kick players off of the server for violating security checks.

12.2  Arena settings

Type: Integer
Amount of energy required to have 'Afterburners' activated

Type: Integer
Amount of energy required to have 'Anti-Warp' activated (thousanths per tick)

Type: Integer
Range: 0-2
Whether ships are allowed to receive 'Anti-Warp' 0=no 1=yes 2=yes/start-with

Type: Integer
Bounty required by ships to attach as a turret

Type: Integer
Number of times a ship's bombs bounce before they explode on impact

Type: Integer
delay that ship waits after a bomb is fired until another weapon may be fired (in ticks)

Type: Integer
Amount of energy it takes a ship to fire a single bomb

Type: Integer
Extra amount of energy it takes a ship to fire an upgraded bomb. i.e. L2 = BombFireEnergy+BombFireEnergyUpgrade

Type: Integer
How fast bombs travel

Type: Integer
Amount of back-thrust you receive when firing a bomb

Type: Integer
Maximum number of Bricks allowed in ships

Type: Integer
Delay that ship waits after a bullet is fired until another weapon may be fired (in ticks)

Type: Integer
Amount of energy it takes a ship to fire a single L1 bullet

Type: Integer
How fast bullets travel

Type: Integer
Maximum number of Bursts allowed in ships

Type: Integer
Number of bullets released when a 'Burst' is activated

Type: Integer
How fast the burst shrapnel is for this ship

Type: Integer
Amount of energy required to have 'Cloak' activated (thousanths per tick)

Type: Integer
Range: 0-2
Whether ships are allowed to receive 'Cloak' 0=no 1=yes 2=yes/start-with

Type: Integer
How likely a the ship is to take damamage (ie. lose a prize) (0=special-case-never, 1=extremely likely, 5000=almost never)

Type: Integer
Maximum number of Decoys allowed in ships

Type: Boolean
If firing bullets, bombs, or thors is disabled after using afterburners (1=enabled) (Cont .36+)

Type: Boolean
Whether ships fire with double barrel bullets

Type: Boolean
Whether ships fire EMP bombs

Type: Integer
How strong of an effect the wormhole has on this ship (0 = none)

Type: Integer
Ship are allowed to move faster than their maximum speed while effected by a wormhole. This determines how much faster they can go (0 = no extra speed)

Type: Other
Range: 0-3
Initial level a ship's bombs fire

Type: Integer
Number of 'Greens' given to ships when they start

Type: Integer
Initial number of Bricks given to ships when they start

Type: Integer
Initial number of Bursts given to ships when they start

Type: Integer
Initial number of Decoys given to ships when they start

Type: Integer
Initial amount of energy that the ship can have

Type: Integer
Range: 0-3
Initial level a ship's guns fire

Type: Integer
Initial number of Portals given to ships when they start

Type: Integer
Initial recharge rate, or how quickly this ship recharges its energy

Type: Integer
Initial number of Repels given to ships when they start

Type: Integer
Initial number of Rockets given to ships when they start

Type: Integer
Initial rotation rate of the ship (0 = can't rotate, 400 = full rotation in 1 second)

Type: Integer
Initial speed of ship (0 = can't move)

Type: Integer
Initial number of Thor's Hammers given to ships when they start

Type: Integer
Initial thrust of ship (0 = none)

Type: Integer
Delay that ship waits after a mine is fired until another weapon may be fired (in ticks)

Type: Integer
Amount of energy it takes a ship to place a single L1 mine

Type: Integer
Extra amount of energy it takes to place an upgraded landmine. i.e. L2 = LandmineFireEnergy+LandmineFireEnergyUpgrade

Type: Integer
Range: 0-3
Maximum level a ship's bombs can fire

Type: Integer
Range: 0-3
Maximum level a ship's guns can fire

Type: Integer
Maximum amount of energy that the ship can have

Type: Integer
Maximum recharge rate, or how quickly this ship recharges its energy

Type: Integer
Maximum rotation rate of the ship (0 = can't rotate, 400 = full rotation in 1 second)

Type: Integer
Maximum speed of ship (0 = can't move)

Type: Integer
Maximum thrust of ship (0 = none)

Type: Integer
Maximum number of mines allowed in ships

Type: Integer
Angle spread between multi-fire bullets and standard forward firing bullets (111 = 1 degree, 1000 = 1 ship-rotation-point)

Type: Integer
Delay that ship waits after a multifire bullet is fired until another weapon may be fired (in ticks)

Type: Integer
Amount of energy it takes a ship to fire multifire L1 bullets

Type: Integer
Maximum number of Portals allowed in ships

Type: Integer
Maximum bounty that ships receive Team Prizes

Type: Integer
Default: 14
Range: 0-255
The ship's radius from center to outside, in pixels. (Cont .37+)

Type: Integer
Maximum number of Repels allowed in ships

Type: Integer
Maximum number of Rockets allowed in ships

Type: Integer
How long a Rocket lasts (in ticks)

Type: Integer
Range: 0-4
If ship can see bombs on radar (0=Disabled, 1=All, 2=L2 and up, 3=L3 and up, 4=L4 bombs only)

Type: Boolean
Whether ships see mines on radar

Type: Integer
How long Shields lasts on the ship (in ticks)

Type: Integer
Maximum amount of shrapnel released from a ship's bomb

Type: Integer
Amount of additional shrapnel gained by a 'Shrapnel Upgrade' prize.

Type: Integer
Amount the friction on the soccer ball (how quickly it slows down - higher numbers mean faster slowdown)

Type: Integer
How close the player must be in order to pick up ball (in pixels)

Type: Integer
Initial speed given to the ball when fired by the carrier

Type: Integer
Time player has to carry soccer ball (in ticks)

Type: Integer
Amount of energy required to have 'Stealth' activated (thousanths per tick)

Type: Integer
Range: 0-2
Whether ships are allowed to receive 'Stealth' 0=no 1=yes 2=yes/start-with

Type: Integer
How long Super lasts on the ship (in ticks)

Type: Integer
Maximum number of Thor's Hammers allowed in ships

Type: Integer
Number of turrets allowed on a ship

Type: Integer
Amount the ship's speed is decreased with a turret riding

Type: Integer
Amount the ship's thrust is decreased with a turret riding

Type: Integer
Amount added per 'Energy Upgrade' Prize

Type: Integer
Amount added per 'Recharge Rate' Prize

Type: Integer
Amount added per 'Rotation' Prize

Type: Integer
Amount added per 'Speed' Prize

Type: Integer
Amount added per 'Thruster' Prize

Type: Integer
Amount of energy required to have 'X-Radar' activated (thousanths per tick)

Type: Integer
Range: 0-2
Whether ships are allowed to receive 'X-Radar' 0=no 1=yes 2=yes/start-with

Type: Integer
Percentage of normal damage applied to a bouncing bomb (in 0.1%)

Type: Integer
Time bomb is alive (in ticks)

Type: Integer
Amount of damage a bomb causes at its center point (for all bomb levels)

Type: Integer
How long after the proximity sensor is triggered before bomb explodes

Type: Integer
Blast radius in pixels for an L1 bomb (L2 bombs double this, L3 bombs triple this)

Type: Boolean
Whether proximity bombs have a firing safety. If enemy ship is within proximity radius, will it allow you to fire

Type: Integer
Percentage of normal damage applied to an EMP bomb (in 0.1%)

Type: Integer
Maximum time recharge is stopped on players hit with an EMP bomb

Type: Integer
How long the screen jitters from a bomb hit (in ticks)

Type: Integer
Radius of proximity trigger in tiles (each bomb level adds 1 to this amount)

Type: Enumerated
Default: BRICK_VIE
How bricks behave when they are dropped (BRICK_VIE=improved vie style, BRICK_AHEAD=drop in a line ahead of player, BRICK_LATERAL=drop laterally across player, BRICK_CAGE=drop 4 bricks simultaneously to create a cage)

Type: Integer
Default: 10
The maximum length of a dropped brick.

Type: Integer
How long bricks last (in ticks)

Type: Boolean
Default: Yes
Whether bricks snap to the edges of other bricks (as opposed to only snapping to walls)

Type: Integer
How long bullets live before disappearing (in ticks)

Type: Integer
Maximum amount of damage that a L1 bullet will cause

Type: Integer
Amount of extra damage each bullet level will cause

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether to use exact bullet damage (Cont .36+)

Type: Integer
Maximum amount of damage caused by a single burst bullet

Type: Integer
Default: 0
This specifies an initial chat mask for the arena. Don't use this unless you know what you're doing.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for AntiWarp Ability. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for Bomb Upgrade. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for Bouncing Bullets. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for Brick. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for Burst. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for Cloak Ability. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for Decoy. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for Energy Upgrade. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for Gun Upgrade. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for MultiFire. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for Portal. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for Proximity Bombs. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether players can buy items outside a safe zone.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for Recharge Upgrade. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for Repel. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for Rocket. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for Rotation Upgrade. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for Shields. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for Shrapnel Upgrade. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for Top Speed. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for Stealth Ability. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for Super. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for Thor. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for Thrust Upgrade. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Points cost for XRadar. 0 to disallow purchase.

Type: Integer
How often doors attempt to switch their state

Type: Integer
Door mode (-2=all doors completely random, -1=weighted random (some doors open more often than others), 0-255=fixed doors (1 bit of byte for each door specifying whether it is open or not)

Type: Integer
Whether the flags can be picked up and carried (0=no, 1=yes, 2=yes-one at a time, 3=yes-two at a time, 4=three, etc..)

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether flags dropped normally go in the center of the map, as opposed to near the player.

Type: Boolean
Default: Yes
Whether flags you drop are owned by your team.

Type: Integer
Default: 2
How far from a player do dropped flags appear (in tiles).

Type: Integer
Time a new player must wait before they are allowed to see flags

Type: Integer
Amount of time that a user can get no data from server before flags are hidden from view for 10 seconds

Type: Other
Default: 0
Range: 0-256
How many flags are present in this arena.

Type: Integer
Time before flag is dropped by carrier (0=never)

Type: Integer
Minimum kill reward that a player must get in order to have his flag drop timer reset

Type: Integer
Delay given to flaggers for firing bombs (zero is ships normal firing rate) (do not set this number less than 20)

Type: Boolean
Whether the flaggers get a bomb upgrade

Type: Integer
Percentage of normal damage received by flaggers (in 0.1%)

Type: Integer
Percentage of normal weapon firing cost for flaggers (in 0.1%)

Type: Boolean
Whether the flaggers get a gun upgrade

Type: Integer
Number of times more points are given to a flagger (1 = double points, 2 = triple points)

Type: Boolean
Whether the flaggers appear on radar in red

Type: Integer
Amount of speed adjustment player carrying flag gets (negative numbers mean slower)

Type: Integer
Amount of thrust adjustment player carrying flag gets (negative numbers mean less thrust)

Type: Integer
Requires module: points_flag
Default: 5000
The basic flag reward is calculated as (players in arena)2 * reward / 1000.

Type: Boolean
Default: Yes
Whether you get a teammates flags when you kill him.

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether flags that are neut-droped go in the center, as opposed to near the player who dropped them.

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether flags you neut-drop are owned by your team.

Type: Integer
Amount of time that a user can get no data from server before flags he is carrying are dropped

Type: Integer
Default: 0
The length of the delay between flag games.

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether flags dropped from a safe zone spawn in the center, as opposed to near the safe zone player.

Type: Boolean
Default: Yes
Whether flags dropped from a safe zone are owned by your team, as opposed to neutral.

Type: Integer
Default: 50
How far from the spawn center that new flags spawn (in tiles).

Type: Integer
Default: 512
The X coordinate that new flags spawn at (in tiles).

Type: Integer
Default: 512
The Y coordinate that new flags spawn at (in tiles).

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether to split a flag reward between the members of a freq or give them each the full amount.

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether flags dropped by a team-kill spawn in the center, as opposed to near the killed player.

Type: Boolean
Default: Yes
Whether flags dropped by a team-kill are owned by your team, as opposed to neutral.

Type: Integer
Default: 200
The delay between dropping the last flag and winning (ticks).

Type: Integer
Requires module: ap_multipub
Default: 15
This controls when the server will create new public arenas.

Type: String
The name of the level file for this arena.

Type: Integer
Default: 100
This is the most players that will be allowed to play in the arena at once. Zero means no limit.

Type: String
Requires module: arenaperm
If this setting is present for an arena, any player entering the arena must have the capability specified this setting. This can be used to restrict arenas to certain groups of players.

Type: String
If this is set, it will be used as the score identifier for shared scores for this arena (unshared scores, e.g. per-game scores, always use the arena name as the identifier). Setting this to the same value in several different arenas will cause them to share scores.

Type: Integer
Number of points added to players bounty each time he kills an opponent

Type: Integer
How long after a player dies before he can re-enter the game (in ticks)

Type: Integer
Default: 0
The minimum bounty the killing player must have to get any bonus kill points for flags transferred, carried or owned.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
The percent of a player's bounty added to the jackpot on each kill. Units: 0.1%.

Type: Integer
FIXME: fill this in

Type: Integer
FIXME: fill this in

Type: Integer
Default: 0
The number of extra points to give for each flag the killing player is carrying. Note that flags that were transfered to the killer as part of the kill are counted here, so adjust PointsPerKilledFlag accordingly.

Type: Integer
Default: 100
The number of extra points to give for each flag a killed player was carrying. Note that the flags don't actually have to be transferred to the killer to be counted here.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
The number of extra points to give for each flag owned by the killing team. Note that flags that were transfered to the killer as part of the kill are counted here, so adjust PointsPerKilledFlag accordingly.

Type: Integer
FIXME: fill this in

Type: Integer
Default: 50
The C2S packetloss when a player isn't allowed to pick up flags or balls. Units 0.1%.

Type: Integer
Default: 150
The C2S packetloss at which to force a player to spec. Units 0.1%.

Type: Integer
Default: 500
The average ping when a player isn't allowed to pick up flags or balls.

Type: Integer
Default: 1000
The average ping when all weapons should be ignored.

Type: Integer
Default: 600
The average ping at which to force a player to spec.

Type: Integer
Default: 300
The average ping to start ignoring weapons at.

Type: Integer
Default: 50
The S2C packetloss when a player isn't allowed to pick up flags or balls. Units 0.1%.

Type: Integer
Default: 500
The S2C packetloss when all weapons should be ignored. Units 0.1%.

Type: Integer
Default: 150
The S2C packetloss at which to force a player to spec. Units 0.1%.

Type: Integer
Default: 40
The S2C packetloss to start ignoring weapons at. Units 0.1%.

Type: Integer
Default: 3000
The amount of time the server can get no data from a player before forcing him to spectator mode (in ms).

Type: Integer
Default: 50
The weapon packetloss when a player isn't allowed to pick up flags or balls. Units 0.1%.

Type: Integer
Default: 500
The weapon packetloss when all weapons should be ignored. Units 0.1%.

Type: Integer
Default: 150
The weapon packetloss at which to force a player to spec. Units 0.1%.

Type: Integer
Default: 40
The weapon packetloss to start ignoring weapons at. Units 0.1%.

Type: Integer
Number of packets to sample S2C before checking for kickout

Type: Integer
Amount of latency S2C that constitutes a slow packet

Type: Integer
Amount of time a user can receive no data from server before connection is terminated

Type: Integer
Percentage of the ping time that is spent on the C2S portion of the ping (used in more accurately syncronizing clocks)

Type: String
Requires module: log_staff
Default: 'warn kick setcm'
A list of commands that trigger messages to all logged-in staff.

Type: Boolean
Whether players can send audio messages

Type: Integer
Time that mines are active (in ticks)

Type: Integer
Maximum number of mines allowed to be placed by an entire team

Type: Integer
Amount of time a ship is shutdown after application is reactivated

Type: Integer
Whether saved ships are allowed (do not allow saved ship in zones where sub-arenas may have differing parameters)

Type: Integer
How many ticks to activate a fake antiwarp after attaching, portaling, or warping.

Type: Integer
How bouncy the walls are (16 = no speed loss)

Type: Integer
Time a decoy is alive (in ticks)

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether to disable Continuum's screenshot feature (Cont .37+)

Type: Integer
Whether regular players receive sysop data about a ship

Type: Integer
Amount of random frequency shift applied to sounds in the game

Type: String
The message to send to each player on entering the arena.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Maximum screen width allowed in the arena. Zero means no limit.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Maximum screen height allowed in the arena. Zero means no limit.

Type: Integer
Amount of energy that constitutes a near-death experience (ships bounty will be decreased by 1 when this occurs - used for dueling zone)

Type: Integer
Default: 100
How often to check for region enter/exit events (in ticks).

Type: Integer
Amount of time that can be spent in the safe zone (in ticks)

Type: Enumerated
Default: SEE_NONE
Whose energy levels everyone can see: SEE_NONE means nobody else's, SEE_ALL is everyone's, SEE_TEAM is only teammates.

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether players can reset their own scores using ?scorereset. */

Type: Integer
Amount of time between position packets sent by client

Type: String
The message that appears when someone says ?sheep

Type: Integer
Whether to check for slow frames on the client (possible cheat technique) (flawed on some machines, do not use)

Type: Enumerated
Default: SEE_NONE
Whose energy levels spectators can see. The options are the same as for Misc:SeeEnergy, with one addition: SEE_SPEC means only the player you're spectating.

Type: Boolean
Default: Yes
Whether spectators can see extra data for the person they're spectating.

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether points are awarded for a team-kill.

Type: Integer
Amount of time between ticker help messages

Type: Integer
Default: 0
How long the game timer lasts (in ticks). Zero to disable.

Type: Integer
Whether the zone plays victory music or not

Type: Integer
How long a portal is active

Type: Integer
When ships are randomly placed in the arena, this parameter will limit how far from the center of the arena they can be placed (1024=anywhere)

Type: String
This is a list of modules that you want to take effect in this arena. Not all modules need to be attached to arenas to function, but some do.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
The interval between periodic rewards (in ticks). Zero to disable.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
The minimum players necessary in the arena to give out periodic rewards.

Type: Integer
Requires module: points_periodic
Default: 100
Periodic rewards are calculated as follows: If this setting is positive, you get this many points per flag. If it's negative, you get it's absolute value points per flag, times the number of players in the arena.

Type: Integer
How long the prize exists that appears after killing somebody

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether Brick greens don't go to the whole team.

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether Burst greens don't go to the whole team.

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether Thor greens don't go to the whole team.

Type: Integer
Time the player is affected by an 'Engine Shutdown' Prize (in ticks)

Type: Integer
Distance from center of arena that prizes/flags/soccer-balls will spawn

Type: Integer
Number of random greens given with a MultiPrize

Type: Integer
How often prizes are regenerated (in ticks)

Type: Integer
Number of prizes hidden is based on number of players in game. This number adjusts the formula, higher numbers mean more prizes. (Note: 10000 is max, 10 greens per person)

Type: Integer
Number of prizes that are regenerated every PrizeDelay

Type: Integer
Maximum amount of time that a hidden prize will remain on screen. (actual time is random)

Type: Integer
Minimum amount of time that a hidden prize will remain on screen. (actual time is random)

Type: Integer
Odds of getting a negative prize. (1 = every prize, 32000 = extremely rare)

Type: Integer
Whether prize packets are sent reliably (C2S)

Type: Integer
Amount of additional distance added to MinimumVirtual for each player that is in the game

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Super!' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'AntiWarp' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Bomb Upgrade' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Bouncing Bullets' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Brick' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Burst' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Cloak' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Decoy' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Energy Upgrade' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Engine Shutdown' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Gun Upgrade' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'MultiFire' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Multi-Prize' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Portal' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Proximity Bomb' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Recharge' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Full Charge' prize appearing (not 'Recharge')

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Repel' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Rocket' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Rotation' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Shields' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Shrapnel Upgrade' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Stealth' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Thor' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Thruster' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Speed' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'Warp' prize appearing

Type: Integer
Likelihood of 'XRadar' prize appearing

Type: Integer
A number representing how far you can see on radar

Type: Integer
Radar mode (0=normal, 1=half/half, 2=quarters, 3=half/half-see team mates, 4=quarters-see team mates)

Type: Integer
Size of area between blinded radar zones (in pixels)

Type: Integer
Number of pixels from the player that are affected by a repel

Type: Integer
Speed at which players are repelled

Type: Integer
Time players are affected by the repel (in ticks)

Type: Integer
Speed value given while a rocket is active

Type: Integer
Thrust value given while a rocket is active

Type: Integer
Default: 5
The number of times a player can die without firing a weapon before being placed in spectator mode.

Type: Integer
Amount of damage shrapnel causes in it's first 1/4 second of life

Type: Boolean
Whether shrapnel spreads in circular or random patterns

Type: Integer
Percentage of normal damage applied to shrapnel (relative to bullets of same level) (in 0.1%)

Type: Integer
Speed that shrapnel travels

Type: Boolean
Whether the ball carrier can fire his bombs

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether a goal is scored if a player dies carrying the ball on a goal tile.

Type: Boolean
Whether the ball carrier can fire his guns

Type: Integer
Amount of time a player can receive no data from server and still pick up the soccer ball

Type: Boolean
Whether the ball bounces off walls

Type: Integer
Default: 0
The number of balls in this arena.

Type: Boolean
Whether the balls location is displayed at all times or not

Type: Integer
Default: 1
If positive, these points are distributed to each goal/team. When you make a goal, the points get transferred to your goal/team. If one team gets all the points, then they win as well. If negative, teams are given 1 point for each goal, first team to reach -CapturePoints points wins the game.

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether to disable ball killing in safe zones (Cont .38+)

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether to disable ball-passing through walls (Cont .38+)

Type: Integer
Default: 0
How long after a goal before the ball appears (in ticks).

Type: Integer
Default: 0
The minimum number of players who must be playing for soccer points to be awarded.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
The minimum number of teams that must exist for soccer points to be awarded.

Type: Enumerated

Type: Integer
Default: -3000
How long to wait between games. If this is negative, the actual delay is random, between zero and the absolute value. Units: ticks.

Type: Integer
How long after the ball is fired before anybody can pick it up (in ticks)

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Negative numbers equal absolute points given, positive numbers use FlagReward formula.

Type: Integer
Default: 1000
Range: 100-3000
How often the server sends ball positions (in ticks).

Type: Integer
Default: 20
How far from the spawn center the ball can spawn (in tiles).

Type: Integer
Default: 512
Range: 0-1023
The X coordinate that the ball spawns at (in tiles).

Type: Integer
Default: 0
The spawn coordinates and radius for balls other than the first one. N goes from 1 to 3 (0 is take care of by the settings without a number). If only Spawn... is set, all balls use it. If Spawn... and Spawn...1 are set, even balls use Spawn... and odd use Spawn...1. If all four are set, use mod 4.

Type: Integer
Default: 512
Range: 0-1023
The Y coordinate that the ball spawns at (in tiles).

Type: Boolean
If player with soccer ball should use the Flag:Flagger* ship adjustments or not

Type: Integer
Default: 0
Have to beat other team by this many goals

Type: Integer
Specify spawn location and radius per team. If only Team0 variables are set, all teams use them, if Team0 and Team1 variables are set, even teams use Team0 and odd teams use Team1. It is possible to set spawn positions for upto 4 teams (Team0-Team3). (Cont .38+)

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether to show dropped flags to spectators (Cont .36+)

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether spectators are disallowed from having X radar (Cont .36+)

Type: Boolean
Default: Yes
Whether to enable the freq ownership feature in this arena.

Type: Integer
Default: 2
The number of teams that the freq balancer will form as players enter.

Type: Other
Default: 0
Whether players can switch to more populous teams.

Type: Boolean
Default: No
If this is set, freq 0 will only be allowed to use warbirds, freq 1 can only use javelins, etc.

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether to include spectators when enforcing maximum freq sizes.

Type: Boolean
Default: No
If players entering the arena are always assigned to spectator mode.

Type: Integer
Default: 10000
Range: 1-10000
One more than the highest frequency allowed. Set this below PrivFreqStart to disallow private freqs.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
The maximum number of players on a private freq. Zero means no limit.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
The maximum number of players on a public freq. Zero means no limit.

Type: Integer
Default: 100
Range: 0-9999
Freqs above this value are considered private freqs.

Type: Integer
Default: 8025
Range: 0-9999
The frequency that spectators are assigned to, by default.

Type: Integer
Distance Anti-Warp affects other players (in pixels) (note: enemy must also be on radar)

Type: Integer
Default: 1
The minimum number of flags needed to be owned by a freq for that team to be eligable to recieve points.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
The minimum percent of flags needed to be owned by a freq for that team to be eligable to recieve points. (ex. 18532 means 18.532%)

Type: Integer
Default: 0
The minimum percent of points needed to be owned by a freq for that team to be eligable to recieve points. (ex. 18532 means 18.532%)

Type: Integer
Default: 6
The minimum number of players needed in the arena for anyone to be eligable to recieve points.

Type: Integer
Default: 3
The minimum number of players needed on a team for players on that team to be eligable to recieve points.

Type: Integer
Default: 2
The minimum number of teams needed in the arena for anyone to be eligable to recieve points.

Type: Integer
Default: 1
The minimum number of weights needed to be owned by a freq for that team to be eligable to recieve points.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
The minimum percent of weights needed to be owned by a freq for that team to be eligable to recieve points. (ex. 18532 means 18.532%)

Type: Integer
Default: 1
After losing a flag, the number of dings allowed to pass before a freq loses the chance to recover. 0 means you have no chance of recovery after it dings (to recover, you must recover before any ding occurs), 1 means it is allowed to ding once and you still have a chance to recover (any ding after that you lost chance of full recovery), ...

Type: Integer
Default: -1
Maximum number of times a flag may be recovered. (-1 means no max)

Type: Integer
Default: 300
After losing a flag, the time (seconds) allowed to pass before a freq loses the chance to recover.

Type: Enumerated
Style of recovery cutoff to be used. TR_RECOVERY_DINGS - recovery cutoff based on RecoverDings. TR_RECOVERY_TIME - recovery cutoff based on RecoverTime. TR_RECOVERY_DINGS_AND_TIME - recovery cutoff based on both RecoverDings and RecoverTime.

Type: Integer
Default: 200
Modifies the number of points to award. Meaning varies based on reward algorithm being used. For $REWARD_STD: jackpot = # players * RewardModifer

Type: Enumerated
The reward algorithm to be used. Built in algorithms include: TR_STYLE_DISABLED: disable scoring, TR_STYLE_PERIODIC: normal periodic scoring but with the all the extra stats, TR_STYLE_STANDARD: see souce code documenation (complex formula) + jackpot based on # players TR_STYLE_STD_BTY: standard + jackpot based on bounty exchanged TR_STYLE_FIXED_PTS: each team gets a fixed # of points based on 1st, 2nd, 3rd,... place TR_STYLE_WEIGHTS: number of points to award equals number of weights owned

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether players in safe zones recieve reward points.

Type: Integer
Default: 0
How many weights to set from cfg (16 means you want to specify Weight0 to Weight15). If set to 0, then by default one weight is set with a value of 1.

Type: Boolean
Default: No
Whether players in spectator mode recieve reward points.

Type: Integer
Default: 6000
Inital turf_reward ding timer period.

Type: Integer
Default: 6000
Subsequent turf_reward ding timer period.

Type: Enumerated
The method weights are calculated: TR_WEIGHT_TIME means each weight stands for one minute (ex: Weight004 is the weight for a flag owned for 4 minutes). TR_WEIGHT_DINGS means each weight stands for one ding of ownership (ex: Weight004 is the weight for a flag that was owned during 4 dings).

Type: Boolean
Whether a wormhole affects bombs

Type: Integer
How often the wormhole switches its destination

12.3  Other settings

File: passwd.conf
Type: Boolean
Requires module: auth_file
Default: Yes
Determines whether to allow players not listed in the password file.

File: passwd.conf
Type: Boolean
Requires module: auth_file
Default: No
Determines whether to automatically add players with no password entries to the password file.

12.4  More detail on specific sections

12.4.1  Flags

Flags in asss are implemented by the coordination of several modules: flagcore implements the actual flag-related pieces of the game protocol, and general state-keeping. The rules for a specific flag game is implemented by a fg_something module, of which two are supplied with the server: fg_wz is a basic warzone-type flag game, where a team has to own all the flags to win. fg_turf is a turf-style game, where the flags are stationary, and points are awarded based on flags owned.

To get one of these games working, you should make sure flagcore and the desired flag game module are both loaded. Then attach the desired flag game module to your arena, by listing it in the Modules:AttachModules setting. Then configure it with the appropriate settings, all of which can be found in the Flag section. At a minimum, for fg_wz, you need to set Flag:FlagCount.

12.4.2  Energy/inventory viewing

There are two arena settings that control whether players see other player's energy and ship inventory (from spec):

In addition, there are two capabilities that override the above settings. seeepd allows players to see energy/inventory from spec, and seenrg allows energy viewing while playing.

13  Acknowledgements

Thanks to these people:

1 Actually an arena group name; see the section on arena groups.

2 But there's a better way to do this: if you load the auth_file module before billing, the server will fall back to using auth_file when the billing server is not connected. Staff members can set passwords using the ?passwd command (specific to auth_file), and they will have access to their usual group.

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