asss Developer's Guide - 1.4.2

1  Introduction

If you're reading this, you probably already know that asss is a server for the multiplayer game Subspace, written mostly in C and Python. This document will try to help you to understand how asss works internally and how to develop for it.

There are three types of things you might want to do with asss: modify the existing source (the stuff in the core distribution), write new modules from scratch in C, and write new modules from scratch in Python. You're welcome to do any of those three things, depending on your goals, but I'd like to encourage people to try to write new modules in Python if possible, and only use C if there's a good reason for it (efficiency concerns, linking with other libraries, etc.). Don't let the fact that you don't know Python discourage you; it's a very easy language to learn. Also don't be discouraged by the current incompleteness of the Python interface to asss. It will improve as users submit requests for things that they need added to it.

2  Building

If you want to build all of asss from scratch, there are a few dependencies you need to be aware of: Python, version 2.2 or greater, Berkeley DB, version 4.0 or greater, and the mysql client libraries (any recent version should be ok). If you're building on a unix system, you'll need to use GNU make.

The basic procedure is to edit the definitions at the top of the provided Makefile to point to the directories where your libraries are installed. After that, running make should build all of asss, which consists of a binary named asss and a bunch of .so files containing the modules. Running make install will copy those binaries to the bin directory one level up.

If you're missing one or more of those libraries, you can still build the remaining parts of asss: Edit the have_xxx = yes lines near the top of the Makefile to indicate which libraries you're missing.

2.1  Building on Windows

This is now relatively easy. You'll need to download the Dev-C++ IDE, and also the windows package of Python (2.3.4 is good). You'll have to copy a few files somewhere (the details are explained in one of the files supplied with the windows package), and then open up the Dev-C++ project and everything should work well.

2.2  Building on FreeBSD

You'll have to change a few lines in the Makefile, but this is relatively straightforward. Ask me for a copy of compiled for FreeBSD.

3  Basic Architecture

I had several goals when designing asss: It should be modular, so that server admins could plug in their own custom functionality in addition to or in place of any part of the server. It should support runtime loading, so functionality could be added, removed, and upgraded without taking down the server. It should be robust and efficient.

Those goals led to a design that might look a little scary at first, but is actually pretty simple if you put a little effort into understanding it. However, there's a lot of indirection, and it can be difficult to understand the control flow in certain places, because of the pervasive use of callbacks. Hopefully this document can provide enough information that anyone can understand how it all works, and more importantly, can figure out how to modify or extend it to do what they want.

The three main pieces of the architecture are modules, interfaces, and callbacks.

3.1  Modules

Almost all of the code in asss is part of a module (just about everything except main.c, module.c, cmod.c, and util.c). A module is just a piece of code that runs as part of the server. Modules can currently be written in either C or Python.

Some examples of modules are core, which manages player logins and other really important bits, flags, which manages the flag game, buy which provides an implementation of the ?buy command, pymod which allows Python modules to exist, and persist, which provides database services for the rest of the server.

Modules written in C have a single entry point function.

Modules by themselves can't do very much. In order to be useful, modules have to talk to other modules. The two main ways for modules to communicate are interfaces and callbacks.

3.2  Interfaces

An interface in asss is just a set of function signatures. They're implemented by C structs containing function pointers (and rarely, pointers to other types of C data). Each interface has an identifier (a string, although a C macro is used to hide the actual value of the string), and the identifier contains a version number. If the contents of an interface is changed, the version number should be incremented.

Interfaces are used for two slightly different purposes in asss: they are used for exporting functionality from one module to others, and they are used for customizing a specific part of the server's behavior. Both uses used the same set of functions, although in slightly different ways, so you should be aware of the differences.

The module manager (one of the pieces of asss that isn't in a module itself) manages interface pointers for the whole server. It has several available operations, which are exposed through an interface of its own:

3.2.1  Reference counts

Implementations of interfaces are reference counted. A module that calls either of the GetInterface calls that returns a valid pointer owns a reference to that implementation, and must later return it with ReleaseInterface. Calling UnregInterface on an interface pointer will fail if there are any outstanding references to that pointer (and it will return the number of references).

3.2.2  Arena-specific interfaces

The functions RegInterface, UnregInterface, and GetInterface all take an optional arena pointer. Interfaces that serve only to export functionality will generally be registered globally for the whole server, and there is only one possible implementation for each of them. To register an interface globally, or to request a globally registered interface, the macro ALLARENAS should be passed as the arena pointer.

Interfaces that are used to select among different behaviors might be registered per-arena. Passing a pointer to a valid arena to RegInterface makes that interface pointer available only to modules who call GetInterface with that arena. If a module calls GetInterface with a valid arena pointer, but there is no interface pointer with that id registered for that arena, it will fall back to an interface registered globally with that id, if possible. That allows a module to register a "default" implementation for an interface, and let other modules override it for specific arenas.

3.2.3  Example: declaring, using, and defining interfaces


Here's a sample declaration of an interface, taken from core.h:

#define I_FREQMAN "freqman-1"

typedef struct Ifreqman {
    void (*InitialFreq)(Player *p, int *ship, int *freq);
    void (*ShipChange)(Player *p, int *ship, int *freq);
    void (*FreqChange)(Player *p, int *ship, int *freq);
} Ifreqman;

The definition on the first line creates a macro that will be used to refer to the interface identifier (which consists of the string ``freqman'' followed by a version number). By convention, interface id macros are named I_<something>, and identifier strings are <something>-<version>.

Next, a C typedef is used to create a type for a struct. By convention, struct types start with a capital I followed by the interface name in lowercase. The first thing in the struct is a special macro (INTERFACE_HEAD_DECL) that sets up a few special fields used internally by the interface manager. The three fields are declared as function pointers using standard C syntax.


To call a function in this interface, a module might use code like this (adapted from core.c):

int freq = 0, ship = player->p_ship;
Ifreqman *fm = mm->GetInterface(I_FREQMAN, player->arena);
if (fm) {
    fm->InitialFreq(player, &ship, &freq);

This code declares a pointer to a freq manager interface, and requests the registered implementation of the freq manager interface for the arena that the player is in. If it finds one, it calls a function in it and then releases the pointer.

The freq manager interface is of the kind used to select among alternate behavior. For interfaces used for exporting functionality, typically a module will call GetInterface for all the interfaces it needs when it loads, and then keep the pointers until it unloads, at which point it calls ReleaseInterface on all of them.


This is a trivial implementation of the freq manager interface, used by the recorder module to lock all players in spectator mode:

local void freqman(Player *p, int *ship, int *freq)
    *ship = SPEC;
    *freq = 8025;

local struct Ifreqman lockspecfm =
    INTERFACE_HEAD_INIT(I_FREQMAN, "fm-lock-spec")
    freqman, freqman, freqman

First the functions that will implement the interface are defined. In this case, one real function is being used to implement three functions in the interface. Then a static struct is declared to represent the implementation. The first thing in the struct initializer is a macro, analogous to the macro used in the declaration. INTERFACE_HEAD_INIT takes two arguments: the first is the interface identifier, and the second is the unique name given to this implementation.

3.3  Callbacks

Callbacks are somewhat simpler than interfaces, although they share many features. A callback is a single function signature, along with an identifier. Callback identifiers aren't versioned, but they probably should be.

Like interfaces, callbacks are also managed by the module manager. They can be registered globally or for a single arena. Unlike interfaces, many callbacks registered to the same identifier can exist at once, and all are used. The module manager functions dealing with callbacks are:

3.3.1  Example: declaring, defining, and calling a callback


Here's how the flag win callback is declared:

#define CB_FLAGWIN "flagwin"
typedef void (*FlagWinFunc)(Arena *arena, int freq);

There's a macro (the naming convention is to start callback macro names with CB_), and a C typedef giving a name to the function signature. All callbacks should return void.


To register a function to be called for this event:

local void MyFlagWin(Arena *arena, int freq)
    /* ... contents of function ... */

/* somewhere in the module entry point */
mm->RegCallback(CB_FLAGWIN, MyFlagWin, ALLARENAS);


There is a special macro provided to make calling callbacks easier: DO_CBS. To use it, you must provide the callback id, the arena that things are taking place in (or ALLARENAS if there is no applicable arena), the C type of the callback functions, and the arguments to pass to each registered function. It looks like:

    DO_CBS(CB_FLAGWIN, arena, FlagWinFunc, (arena, freq));

4  Important data structures

There are several important structures that you'll need to know about to do anything useful with asss. This section will describe each of them in detail.

4.1  Player

The Player structure is one of the most important in asss. There's one of these for each client connected to the server. These structures are created and managed by the playerdata module. (The details of when exactly in the connection process a player struct is allocated is covered below, in the section on the player state machine.)

The first part of the player struct, which contains many important fields, is actually in the format of the packet that gets sent to players to inform them about other players. The benefit of using the packet format directly to store those fields is that there's no copying necessary when the packet needs to be sent, as the necessary information is already in the right format.

The format of the player data packet, and then the main player struct, will be given below, and then each field will be covered in detail.

struct PlayerData {
    u8 pktype;
    i8 ship;
    u8 acceptaudio;
    char name[20];
    char squad[20];
    i32 killpoints;
    i32 flagpoints;
    i16 pid;
    i16 freq;
    i16 wins;
    i16 losses;
    i16 attachedto;
    i16 flagscarried;
    u8 miscbits;

struct Player {
    PlayerData pkt;
#define p_ship pkt.ship
#define p_freq pkt.freq
#define p_attached pkt.attachedto
    int pid, status, type, whenloggedin;
    Arena *arena, *newarena;
    char name[24], squad[24];
    i16 xres, yres;
    ticks_t connecttime;
    struct PlayerPosition position;
    u32 macid, permid;
    char ipaddr[16];
    const char *connectas;
    char clientname[32];
    struct {
        unsigned authenticated : 1;
        unsigned during_change : 1;
        unsigned want_all_lvz : 1;
        unsigned during_query : 1;
        unsigned no_ship : 1;
        unsigned no_flags_balls : 1;
        unsigned sent_ppk : 1;
        unsigned sent_wpn : 1;
        unsigned see_all_posn : 1;
        unsigned see_own_posn : 1;
        unsigned leave_arena_when_done_waiting : 1;
        unsigned padding1 : 21;
    } flags;
    byte playerextradata[0];

Details on the specific fields of the player data packet:

Details on the specific fields of the player structure:

4.2  Arena

Compared to players, the arena struct is relatively simple. Arenas are often used solely by comparing pointers for equality, although there are several useful fields:

struct Arena {
    int status;
    char name[20], basename[20];
    ConfigHandle cfg;
    int specfreq;
    byte arenaextradata[0];

4.3  Target

A target is a (sometimes implicit) representation of a set of players. Currently, targets are used as a parameter to command callbacks, to indicate who the command should be applied to, and they are also used as parameters to some of the functions in the game interface, to warp or prize some set of players at once.

In a command function, targets can be used by accessing their fields directly, or by using the TargetToSet function in the playerdata interface to convert the target into a simple list of players.

Targets can be constructed simply by declaring one on the stack and initializing its fields. They can also be dynamically allocated, although this isn't often necessary.

Targets come in several types, some of which use additional data (besides the type itself) to specify the set. The data is kept in a C union, since targets can only be of one type at once.

The most trivial target is of type T_NONE and means the empty set of players. A single-player target is of type T_PLAYER and the p field of the data union points to that player. An arena target (T_ARENA) indicates all players in the given arena. A freq target (T_FREQ) means all the players on a given team in a given arena. Another simple target, T_ZONE, means everyone logged into the server. Finally, an arbitrary set of players can be specified using the T_LIST type, which uses the list field of the data union.

This is the definition of the target struct:

typedef struct {
    enum {
    } type;
    union {
        Player *p;
        Arena *arena;
        struct { Arena *arena; int freq; } freq;
        LinkedList list;
    } u;
} Target;

5  Memory management

Memory management in asss is relatively simple. Many sorts of memory in the server, such as the global list of players and arenas, are managed by core modules. Others, such as the links of the linked list library, are handled by the utility library, and a module only has to use the linked list functions.

Sometimes, though, a module will need to allocate memory to store private data in. There are three types of memory a module will want to allocate: some amount of space to store data for each player, space to store data for each arena, and arbitrary chunks of memory for whatever use. Each type will require a different way of allocating memory.

5.1  Per-player data

A module can call the AllocatePlayerData function in playerdata with a number of bytes to reserve that amount of space for each player. The value returned is a key, which can later be used to access that memory, given a player pointer. (Valid keys are positive integers. If the return value is negative, the allocation failed.) Modules that have used AllocatePlayerData must call FreePlayerData when they don't need the space anymore (typically during unloading).

To access the data, a macro has been provided: PPDATA(player, key) which will return a pointer to the start of the per-player space specified by the key, for the given player.

5.2  Per-arena data

This is just like per-player data, except you will use the functions AllocateArenaData and FreeArenaData in arenaman, and the macro P_ARENA_DATA(arena, key) to access the data for a given arena.

5.3  Everything else

To allocate arbitrary chunks of memory, use the functions amalloc and afree, which work just like standard malloc and free, except that amalloc will never return NULL (it will halt the server with a memory error instead), and afree can safely be used on null pointers.

Also try to be aware of instances where data can be allocated on the stack, which will generally be more efficient than dynamic allocation. If the size of the data isn't known in advance, the system's alloca function can be used. If you need to pass a single-element linked list to a function, one can be constructed on the stack by cheating a little bit with the list abstraction, although you might want to use the lists normally to improve the clarity of your code.

5.4  Typical usage

Sometimes a module needs to store a large amount of data for each player, but it's for a specific game type that's only running in a few arenas, and it will only apply to a small number of the players in the zone. Allocating a large amount of data with AllocatePlayerData will waste space in that situation, since that reserves space for every player, not just the ones that need it. There are two possible solutions here. One is to just do it anyway, and waste a bit of memory. The other is to allocate only room for a pointer in the per-player data, and have the pointer be null for players who don't need the data, and point to valid data (allocated with amalloc when the player enters an arena) for players who do need it. Which solution to use depends on several factors, such as how many bytes are being allocated, and what proportion of players are expected to need the data.

In general, if the data is more than 20-24 bytes in length and a significant proportion of players are expected not to need the data, you should consider using a per-player pointer and manually allocating the bulk of the data.

5.5  Internals

Per-player and per-arena data work by allocating a big chunk of space for each player and arena, which is divided up among modules to store the data. This data can either sit right at the end of the struct, or be a separate block pointed to by the player or arena struct. Using a separate block means the server can adjust the size dynamically, but there's slightly more overhead when accessing the data. Using an in-struct block requires that the size of the block be set at server startup and not changed later. Currently, arenas always use an in-struct block, and players can be configured at compile time which method to use. The default is a separate block.

As an example, let's say playerdata allocates 4096 bytes of extra space along with each player struct. It might provide bytes 128-192 of that space to one module to use for its private data, and then bytes 192-204 to another module. The offset of the range from the start of the extra data array is the key returned to client modules, and the macro simply adds that offset to the start of the array.

This solution is simple and efficient. One disadvantage is that using in-struct blocks may waste space, and can prevent modules from being loaded because there's not enough space left. Using separate dynamic blocks avoids that disadvantage, at the cost of a tiny bit of overhead.

Another significant disadvantage is a lack of any semblance of type-safely. This can lead to hard-to-debug crashes caused by modules writing over each other's data. There's nothing to do here except to be aware of the situation and watch carefully for writing outside the bounds of your reserved space.

6  Threading

asss is a multithreaded program, and will generally have several threads of execution doing important things at the same time. You don't need to know all the threads and their functions to write a module, but you do have to be aware of concurrency issues in shared data.

The most important shared data are the global lists of players and arenas. The player list, managed by playerdata, is protected by a read-write lock, and you must acquire it before iterating through the list (the same lock protects a few other items, like player status values). The arena list is also protected with a read-write lock, managed by arenaman.

FIXME: write more here

6.1  How to use threads in a module

First, consider well whether you really need a separate thread. Possible good reasons to use threads in your module are: it greatly simplifies the implementation of some aspect of the module, or the module makes unavoidable calls that can potentially block for a very long time.

How long a call needs to block before you should consider using threads depends on the path on which that call is made. If it only blocks for a long time during module load, like gethostbyname in the directory module, then there's no need for a thread. If it's something that happens relatively often, like writing to a file during on every position packet, as in the record module, a thread is probably called for.

If you've decided that you need threads, you can simply go ahead and use any of the pthreads library to create and synchronize your threads. A simple synchronized queue for message passing between threads is part of the utility library, and may be useful for modules that deal with threads.

6.2  Internals

The main thread in asss runs in the main loop module, and is used for running timer events. The net module has three threads of its own, one for receiving packets from the network and processing unreliable packets, one for processing reliable packets, and one for sending packets. The logging module has one thread that runs log handlers. The persist module uses one thread to do its database work, and mysql uses a thread to communicate with the mysql database server. The record module uses one thread (dynamically created) for each arena that is either recording or playing back a saved game.

7  Persistent data

The persistent data interface is one of the most confusing parts of asss, but the concept behind it is relatively simple, so it shouldn't be hard to use it after a little thought.

The service provided by the persist module is persistence of per-player, per-arena, and global data. Some examples of things that might use it are player scores, arena statistics (e.g., kills by ship type), a private staff message board, player inventory (in a RPG-type game), and a shutup timeout.

Data stored by persist is opaque binary data. Serialization of the actual data that the module wants to store into a byte stream is the responsibility of the client module. Keeping that data around between invocations of the server and sessions of the player is the responsibility of persist.

To use persist a client module must provide some information, along with three functions that persist will call to manipulate the module's data.

The first choice is whether the persistent data is to be stored per-player or per-arena. Note that really global data (one copy for the whole server) counts as per-arena data.

The second choice is the scope of the data. There are two choices for scope: either there is a single copy of the data for all arenas, or there's a separate copy for each arena. The single copy model is specified by PERSIST_ALLARENAS, and the one copy model by PERSIST_GLOBAL. Note that either option can be specified for both per-player and per-arena data. Per-player global data means there's one copy of the data for each player (e.g., an inventory in an RPG spanning multiple arenas). Per-player all-arena data means there's one copy for each (player, arena) pair (e.g., regular scores). Per-arena global data is simply global data; there is only one copy. Per-arena all-arena data means there's one copy for each arena (e.g., base win statistics).

Note that you don't have to actually store data for each entity. If you want some per-arena data stored only for a few arenas, simply return an empty piece of memory when queried for the data for an arena to which it doesn't apply.

The third choice is the interval that the data should be stored for. This basically indicates when the data gets reset. There are several intervals defined in the server: ``forever,'' which as its name implies, never gets reset; ``per-reset,'' which is supposed to be something like a score reset (around two weeks); ``per-game,'' which is reset at the end of each flag or ball game (or at the staff's discretion); and ``per-map-rotation,'' which is reset when the map changes.1

Historical data for intervals before the current one is saved in the database also, and can be queried by the appropriate tools (see the User Guide section on querying the database).

Finally, you must provide a unique key that will differentiate your data from data stored by other modules. A key is just a 32-bit integer.

After all that information, you'll need to write three functions (no matter whether your data is per-player or arena and what its scope is).

The GetData function (you can name it whatever you want, that's just the name of the pointer in the struct you provide to persist) is used to query your module for data to be written to the database. It's called when a player leaves an arena or disconnects from the server, or when an arena is being unloaded, to save the data from that entity before it's gone, and it's also called periodically every few minutes, to make sure the data on disk is relatively recent, in case of a server crash.

When GetData is called, the client module should serialize its data into the buffer passed into the function, and then return the length of the serialized data. Returning zero indicates that it has no data to store for this entity.

The SetData function is called when a player logs in or enters an arena, or when an arena is created. When called, the client module should deserialize data from the provided buffer into whatever form it will use it in.

ClearData is called before SetData and can be used to clean up memory from the previous version of the data. When called, the client module should set the relevant data to starting values, as if a player or arena with no previously recorded data is being created. ClearData will also be called when an interval ends (immediately after a GetData call to get the last version of the data), to clear all data for the new interval.

Finally, you pack up all that information and pointers to your functions in a statically allocated and initialized struct (of type PlayerPersistentData or ArenaPersistentData), and call persist->RegPlayerPD or persist->RegArenaPD. The persist module will be calling your getters and setters from its own thread, so you should use whatever locking is necessary to ensure correctness.

8  The Python interface

asss supports modules written in Python. The Python support was designed to make writing modules very simple and natural, and to look similar to the C interface, so knowledge can be transferred easily.

8.1  Using Python modules

The support for Python modules is implemented as a loadable module itself, so in order to use any Python modules, you'll need to make sure it's loaded. It's called pymod and is located in (or .dll), so you'll probably to put pymod:pymod in your modules.conf, near the end.

Then, you can load Python modules using a module specifier like <py>foo. This will attempt to load from the server's bin directory. You'll notice a foo.pyc that appears in that directory. That's the compiled bytecode for the module. It gets created automatically by the Python runtime to speed up future loads of the module.

8.2  Writing Python modules

8.2.1  Example

I'm going to start with an example, because hopefully keeping it in mind will make the rest of the section more understandable. This is a stupid example, but it illustrates a few of the basic features of Python modules.

import asss

chat = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CHAT)

def myplayeraction(p, action, arena):
    if action == asss.PA_CONNECT:
        p.my_words = []

paref = asss.reg_callback(asss.CB_PLAYERACTION, myplayeraction)

def c_testcmd(cmd, params, p, target):
    """Test command documentation."""
    p.my_words = p.my_words[-5]
    chat.SendMessage(p, "The last 5 words you typed are: %s" %
        ', '.join(p.my_words))

testcmdref = asss.add_command('testcmd', c_testcmd)

8.2.2  Initialization and deinitialization

Unlike C modules, there's no specific entry point for a Python module. When it's loaded, all the code in the file is executed as part of the import operation. Most of the code will just be function definitions that won't actually do anything, but there will also have to be some code to register callbacks, commands, or anything else your module needs to do its job.

The example has three things at the top level that just make definitions (the import statement and the two functions), and three lines that actually do stuff when it gets imported (the setting of chat, the callback registering, and the command adding.

All modules will need to import the module named asss in order to talk to the rest of the server. That contains several core functions that you'll need to use, as well as all the constants that the server knows about, as well as useful type objects. It's you to you whether to import asss and prefix all your uses of things from the module with asss., or to do from asss import *, to get all those names in your namespace.

Since there's no specific entry point, we need some way of undoing the stuff that gets done at module load time. Python supports automatic memory management, so we don't have to worry about freeing memory, but we do have to worry about stuff that got registered with other parts of the server. If you were looking carefully, you may have noticed that we saved the return values of reg_callback and add_command in variables that are never referenced. Those values are actually special handles that let us take care of unregistering cleanly: When the handle object is freed, the thing it was keeping track of is unregistered. When the module is unloaded, all of its variables and data are freed, and that automatically takes care of unregistering stuff that was registered.

This trick saves Python module writers from some extra work, but it has a few caveats: First, it's easy to just write asss.add_command('blah', c_blah) and forget to save the return value. This will run fine, but the command will be unregistered immediately after it's registered, and it won't work. Second, it's relatively easy to break this system and prevent things from being unregistered when they shouldn't be (e.g., by stashing a handle value in another module's dictionary). If you do things like this, you'll get unpredictable behavior, and it's your own fault.

Attaching and detaching modules to arenas were also handled through the single entry point, and so are done differently in Python: To receive attach/detach notification, you should define functions in your module named mm_attach and mm_detach. They will be called with one parameter, an arena.

8.2.3  Interfaces and callbacks

In C, interfaces and callbacks were managed with the functions in the Imodman interface. In Python, various considerations made it convenient to put the corresponding functions in the asss module.

You can get a reference to an interface with asss.get_interface. This takes two parameters, an interface id, and an arena, but the arena is optional (it defaults to globally registered interfaces). It returns an interface reference or raises an exception if it fails. It's analagous to mm->GetInterface. To call functions in an interface, just use the dot operator and regular function call syntax.

You can register a callback function with asss.reg_callback. This takes three parameters, the callback id, a function, and an arena, and again the arena is optional (defaults to all arenas). It returns a handle to the registered callback that you have to hold on to until you want to unregister the callback. That usually means storing it in a global variable of your module. This function is analagous to mm->RegCallback.

You can register an interface implemented in python with asss.reg_interface. Only a few interfaces currently support implementations in Python: Iarenaplace, Ifreqman, points_koth, and periodicpoints. reg_interface takes three parameters: the interface id, a tuple of functions that implement the interface, and an optional arena. This returns a handle that you should keep as long as you want the interface registered.

You can call a set of callbacks using asss.call_callback. This also takes three parameters, the callback id, a tuple that is the arguments you want the callback to be called with, and an optional arena.

8.2.4  Type and argument conversion

For the most part, types are automatically translated between C and Python code without you having to do anything. If you find an instances where things aren't working as you expect, please let me know.

One potentially confusing point is the treatment of the C type Target. Rather than wrapping targets in a new Python object like players and arenas, targets are represented in the most convenient representation for the type of target. That is: targets with type T_PLAYER are simply player objects, T_ARENA targets are just arena objects, T_NONE targets are None, T_FREQ ones are a tuple of (arena, freq), and T_ZONE targets are the string "zone". T_LIST targets aren't currently supported.

This makes it very easy to use functions that accept Targets, like game->WarpTo, because you can just pass a plain player object.

Some C functions ``return'' values by modifying values through pointers passed in as arguments. We'll call those ``out arguments.'' Other C functions accept input through pointers, and also return output through them. Those are ``in/out arguments.'' Functions with either of these two types of arguments will have a different calling convention when being used from Python! Out arguments do not appear in the argument list when calling functions, but in/out arguments (and of course regular ``in'' arguments do). Out and in/out arguments are treated as extra return values: The return value of a function is determined by taking all of its return values, starting with the real return value (unless the function returns void), followed by any out or in/out arguments, in left-to-right order, and puting them all in a tuple. If there is only one return value, it won't be wrapped in a tuple. One convenient special case of this rule is functions with no out or in/out arguments: the regular return value of the function is translated to Python and returned, with no wrapping. Another example, a function that returns an arena and has two integer out arguments (Iarenaplace->Place), when called from Python, will return a tuple of three values: an arena followed by two integers.

There are a few more complicated cases of argument conversion involving format strings and fixed-length buffers, which are not yet described here, but are easy enough to figure out with a peek at the source. FIXME: describe these better.

8.2.5  Memory management

Memory management in Python is mostly taken care of for you. Just remember not to stick references to things in places where they won't get cleaned up.

Per-arena and per-player data is handled more intuitively than in C. The Python objects that represent players and arenas support having arbitrary attributes (fields) added to them. So if you'd like to associate a list with each player, you can do what the example does and just write p.my_words = []. Just like in C, you'll probably want to initialize your per-player data in a CB_PLAYERACTION callback so that it will be there later when your module looks for it.

One large caveat: the namespace of player object attributes is shared among all loaded modules. That is, if you load two different modules that both try to access of the same player, they'll get the same thing. In limited cases, this could be considered a feature, but in general you should try to avoid name collisions by prefixing the attributes that your module uses with the name of the module, or an abbreviation of it.

8.2.6  Timers

As with interface and callback functions, this is now in the asss module, but it works similarly to mainloop->SetTimer: call asss.set_timer with a function and a interval in ticks. If you specify the optional third parameter, that becomes the interval, and the second becomes the initial delay. set_timer will return a handle for the timer, that you should keep until you want to cancel the timer.

The timer function will be called with no arguments (you can use nested scopes or default arguments to pass data to it), and as in C, it can return a true value to continue being called, or false to cancel itself. As a special case, if the function doesn't return anything (which in Python means it returns None), it will be called again.

8.2.7  Commands

This is also in the asss module: Use asss.add_command('blah', c_blah, arena) to add a command, and save the returned handle until you want the command unregistered. The arena parameter is optional. The docstring of the command function will be used as the command's helptext.

8.2.8  Player and arena lists

Rather than exposing the actual list of all exising players or arenas, Python modules have to get at the list indirectly: Two functions are provided, asss.for_each_player, and asss.for_each_arena, that take a single function, and invoke that function on each player (or arena) in turn. The function can access extra data, if necessary, through nested scopes or default parameters.

8.2.9  Persistent data

This is similar to, but somewhat easier than, the C persistent data support. Registering is similar to C: call asss.reg_player_persistent(key, interval, scope, getter, setter, clearer), or reg_arena_persistent, where key is an integer, interval and scope have the same options as in C, and the last three parameters are functions to handle the data.

The three functions are much easier than their counterparts in C, though: rather than dealing with binary data, serialization is handled for you using Python's pickle module. So you can save most Python objects directly as persistent data. The getter is passed one argument, the player or arena, and should return data to be stored, or None to store no data and delete any previous data. The setter is passed two arguments, the player/arena, and the data that was previously stored. Its return value is ignored. The clearer is passed one argument, the player/arena to be cleared, and its return value is also ignored.

9  Misc. internals

9.1  The player state machine


9.2  The arena state machine


9.3  Module loaders


10  Reference

10.1  Source code files


10.2  Interfaces


10.3  Callbacks


10.4  The utility library


11  Tutorials

11.1  log_console


11.2  logman


11.3  fm_password


1 This currently doesn't happen automatically when the map changes.

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